Sew — Issue 103 — Xmas 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1

Pin the top and bottom
mouse pieces right sides
together and stitch a 5mm
seam around, inserting a loop of
ribbon or twine under the middle
of the wide body end for a tail
and leaving a gap for turning.
Clip the corners, turn right
sides out and stuff. Slip stitch
the gap closed.
Embroider two eyes
using black thread or
sew on two small black
buttons. Use white thread to sew
through the nose leaving long
loops, until you just have enough
to fasten off. Cut the loops to
create the whiskers.
Make a wreath
Cut out multiple 2.5cm
x 15cm strips of fabric; this
wreath uses four different
red and white designs. Bend a
wire clothes hanger into a circle

  • you may need to use pliers and
    a hammer to coax the wire into
    your desired shape.


When happy with the circle,
start tying the strips of fabric
around the wire in the same
order so that the distribution of
prints is even as you move
around the ring. Tie the strips
tightly to give the wreath a full
solid shape.


To make a small fabric
sleeve to cover the wire
hook of the hanger, cut a
strip of fabric and fold the edges
in towards the centre, then fold
the strip in half again lengthways.
Edge stitch the two folded edges
together, then fold and stitch one
end. Thread the strip onto the
wire hook and the hand stitch
the sleeve in place.

Designer: Amanda Walker

”You could use an

old photo frame

to create a square

wreath, or even a

large embroidery

hoop to make yours

extra crafty!”
Amanda Walker,
sew designer
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