Sew — Issue 103 — Xmas 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1


Lay a 70cm x 110cm white
bath towel flat and trim
away any hems that add
thickness. Draw around a
saucer at each corner and trim
to round off. Mark the centre
on one long side with a pin.
Measure 29cm along two
adjacent edges on a 35cm
square face cloth and cut
diagonally to make two
different sized hood pieces. Cut
the same shape as the smaller
triangle from red snowflake
fabric and set aside.


Stitch the long edge of the
small towelling triangle to
the long edge of the
towel, matching up the centres.
Flatten the seam and topstitch
to neaten. Place the fabric
triangle over the remaining
smaller face cloth piece,
matching up the corner. Tack
the fabric to the face cloth on
the short edges. Fold up 2cm
and a further 4cm of excess
face cloth to make a band
across the base of the triangle.
Trim the excess at the corners
and topstitch. Pin and tack the
front of the hood to the back.


Say hello
to Archie!
Sew a Santa baby towel
Size: 89cm x 102cm
Cut 4cm wide strips of
plaid fabric and join end to
end to make binding.
Stitch one edge of the binding
to the front of the wrap, right
sides together, beginning at the
top of the hood and folding in
the short raw edges. Fold the
binding over to the back, hem,
then slip stitch in place. Make a
large fluffy pom-pom from
white yarn and stitch it to the
point of the hood (see the
panel below).
Download and print the
template at
/templates. Use it to cut two
wedge shapes each from red
snowflake, red plaid, light green
main, cream globes and green
wreath fabric to make ten pieces.
Stitch the wedges right sides
together along the long edges to
create an almost complete circle,
but not joining the two opposite
wedges to make one. Fold under
5mm and double hem each of
the remaining two long edges.
Cut 3cm wide strips of black
floral fabric and join end to
end to create binding. Stitch
one edge of the binding along the
bottom edge of the skirt, right sides
together, mitring the angles as
necessary and leaving 5mm extra
at each end. Fold in the excess at
the ends, double fold the binding
over the edge of the skirt and slip
stitch in place on the reverse with
black thread.
Bind the inner edge of the
skirt in the same way, but
leave 36cm extra at each end
to form ties. Double fold and slip
stitch the binding against the skirt.
Fold the long raw edges of the
excess to the middle, fold the
short ends in and then fold in half
lengthways to make a narrow
cord. Pin, then slip stitch in place.
Stitch a tree skirt
Size: 76cm diameter
If you don't have a
pom-pom maker, wrap
yarn around a large fork
roughly 50 times. Tie a
5cm length of yarn around
this, threading it between
the centre prongs, and
tie tightly. Cut the loops
formed either side and snip
any uneven yarn ends to
neaten the ball.
free template
Use shop-bought bias binding for
an even speedier version!^

Free download pdf