Sew — Issue 103 — Xmas 2017

(Rick Simeone) #1

sew gifts
Make Holly Berry
Size: 21cm x 46cm
Download and print the
templates at
/templates. Use them to cut
two body pieces from light green
fabric, two heads and four hands
from plain pink cotton, four legs
from red plaid and four feet from
black floral fabric. With right sides
together, sew a hand to the end of
each arm and a head piece to the
top of each body piece, then press.
Join the feet to the ends of
each leg. Press, pin, and sew
the legs right sides together,
leaving the top edge open. Clip the
curves, turn right side out and stuff.
Use black thread and running stitch
to tightly gather up 3cm of fabric at
the front of each foot so it bends
forward, then fasten off. Stitch
through the centre of each knee
area several times to create a fold
so the legs can bend.
Tack the legs over one body
part so the raw edges line up
with the bottom of the body.
Pin the other body piece on top,
right sides together, and stitch,
beginning 1cm up from the bottom
edge and working around the
outline. Move the legs out of the
way as you sew and leave a gap
along the last side.
Clip the curves and corners,
then turn right sides out,
pulling the legs through the
gap first. Stuff the rest of the body,
fold in the raw edges of the gap
and slip stitch closed. Sew two
small black buttons to the face as
eyes and embroider eyelashes, plus
a pink nose and red mouth.
Sew two 6cm x 25cm strips
of green wreath fabric right
sides together at the short
ends. Hem one long side of the
ring and gather the opposite edge
with running stitch. Cut 5cm
x 22cm of black floral fabric and
stitch into a ring. Sew one long
edge to the gathered edge of the
skirt, right sides together, then fold
over the ring to make a waistband
and slip stitch to the inside. Fit the
skirt onto the elf and secure.
Cut two hat pieces from red
snowflake fabric and stitch
right sides together, leaving
the bottom edge open. Snip 8cm
x 23cm of red plaid, sew into a ring
on the short edge and fold in half,
right sides facing out. Match up
Thank you to Sew reader
Catherine Anderson for^
helping us name our mascot!^
Help us with suggestions^
for next month’s at^
free template
the raw edges of the hat band
to the wrong side of the hat and
stitch. Turn the hat right sides out
and fold the band up to conceal
the seam. Place the hat on the
head and secure with a few
stitches at the back.
Make two 12cm long plaits
from white yarn, wrap thread
around the ends to secure,
then add small felt bow shapes.
Sew the top of each plait to the
back of the head underneath the
hat band, so they fall over the
shoulders. Cut a red felt collar
piece and slip stitch around the
neck. Add a line of three green
buttons down the elf's front. Stitch
a large brass bell to the point of the
hat to finish.
If making for a
youngster, omit
all of the buttons,
embroider the
eyes, and sew
the bell on

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