Australian Knitting — July 2014

(Steven Felgate) #1

Australian Knitting 67

place marker, k11 – 183 (192, 201,
210, 228, 237) sts.
Next Row: RS – Cont to patt over first
and last Shell sts as following: K2, yo,
k8, yo, k1; k to last 11 sts; k1, yo, k8,
yo, k2.
Next Row: K3, p8, k2; p to last 13
sts; k2, p8, k3.
Cont with row 3 of Shell patt at beg
and end of row, and sts in between in
Stst; work in this manner until piece
measures 39cm from beg, end with a
WS row.
Mark centre 89 (94, 97, 102, 110,
115) sts for Back.

Divide for Fronts and Back
Next Row: RS – Shell patt (either 11,
13, 15 or 17 sts, depending what row
you are on; this will take you to the
first shell marker); k36 (38, 41, 43,
48, 50); you are now at back marker;
cast off 6 (6, 6, 7, 8, 8) sts, k to 2nd
back marker; turn; on these Back sts
only; place the Front sts on holders.

Next Row: WS – Cast off 6 (6, 6, 7,
8, 8) sts, p to end.
Dec 1 st each end next 4 rows.
Dec 1 st each end next 3 (4, 4, 4,
5, 5) RS rows. 63 (66, 69, 72, 76,
81) sts.
Stst straight until work measures 54
(55, 55, 56, 57, 57)cm from beg,
end with a WS row.

Shape Neck
Next Row: RS – K22 (23, 25, 26,
28, 30) sts, Turn, on these sts only.
Cast off 4 sts beg next 2 WS rows.
Cast off loosely the 14 (15, 17, 18,
20, 22) sts for shoulder.
Return to rem sts, slip next 19 (20,
19, 20, 20, 21) sts to holder for
centre Back, rejoin yarn and work 2nd
half to match, reversing shaping.

With RS facing and 4.00mm needles,
return to sts on hold for left front, cast
off 6 (6, 6, 7, 8, 8) sts beg of RS
row, patt to end.
Keeping front edge shell correct, work
1 row.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge next 4 rows,
then 1 st next 3 (4, 4, 4, 5, 5) RS

rows. 23 (24, 27, 28, 31, 33) Stst
sts + Shell sts of either 11, 13, 15
or 17 sts, depending what row you
are on.
Keeping shell correct, cont straight
until front measures approx 46 (47,
47, 48, 49, 49)cm from beg, ensure
to end with a row 8 of Shell patt.

Shape Neck
Next Row: RS – K to last 11 sts (=
Shell patt sts), slip these 11 sts to
holder; turn.
Cast off 3 (3, 4, 4, 5, 5) sts beg
next WS row, then dec 1 st at neck
edge next 6 rows. 14 (15, 17, 18,
20, 22) sts.
Cont straight until front measures
same as back to shoulder, end with a
WS row.
Cast off loosely rem shoulder sts.

With WSF and 4.00mm needles, return
to sts on hold for left front, cast off 6
(6, 6, 7, 8, 8) sts beg of WS row, patt
to end.
Keeping front edge shell correct, dec
1 st at armhole edge next 4 rows,
then 1 st next 3 (4, 4, 4, 5, 5) RS
rows – 23 (24, 27, 28, 31, 33) Stst
sts + Shell sts of either 11, 13, 15
or 17 sts, depending what row you
are on.
Keeping shell correct, cont straight
until front measures approx 46 (47,
47, 48, 49, 49)cm from beg, ensure
to end with a row 8 of Shell patt.

Shape Neck
Next Row: RS – K 11 sts, slip these
11 sts to holder, cast off 3 (3, 4, 4, 5,
5) sts, k to end.
Dec 1 st at neck edge next 6 rows.
14 (15, 17, 18, 20, 22) sts.
Cont straight until front measures
same as back to shoulder, end with a
RS row.
Cast off loosely rem shoulder sts.

With 4.00mm needles, cast on 57
(57, 57, 66, 66, 66) sts.
Row 1: WS – K.
Work the 8 rows of Shell patt 4 times,
then rows 1-7 once (meas approx

Next Row: WS – K5; *k2tog, k7; rep
from * end last rep with k5. 51 (51,
51, 59, 59, 59) sts.
Stst for 16 rows.
Cont in Stst and inc 1 st each end
next row then every 10th (9th, 8th,
12th, 11th, 9th) row to 67 (69, 71,
73, 75, 77) sts.
Stst straight until sleeve measures
47 (47, 48, 48, 48, 48)cm from beg,
end with a WS row.

Shape Top
Cast off 6 (6, 6, 7, 8, 8) sts beg next
2 rows.
Dec 1 st each end next 10 rows.
Dec 1 st each end every other row
9 (10, 10, 11, 11, 11) times.
Dec 1 st each end next 4 rows.
Cast off loosely rem sts.

Join shoulder seams.

With RS facing and 3.75mm needles,
slip the right front holder 11 sts to
needle as if already worked, rejoin
yarn, pick up and k28 (28, 29,
29, 30, 30) sts up neck edge to
shoulder seam, 9 sts down back
neck, k the back neck holder 19
(20, 19, 20, 20, 21) sts, pick up
and k 9 sts up back neck, 28 (28,
29, 29, 30, 30) sts to holder, k the
11 holder sts. 115 (116, 117, 118,
120, 121) sts.
Garter Stitch (= k ever row) for 3 rows.

Make Button Loop
Now cast on 13 sts either at the
end of last WS row or at beg of next
RS row.
Next Row: RS – K1, cast off 12 sts,
slip the first k1 over the last cast off
loop (now all 13 extra sts have been
used up); k to end.
Garter Stitch further 6 rows.
Cast off loosely in k on WS.

Insert sleeve tops. Join sleeve seams.
Sew on button.

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