Australian Knitting — July 2016

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6 Australian Knitting

News Knitting snippets from around the globe

Our Spring news edition features some helpful tips to keep your wool
garments in perfect condition. We also recap the latest book releases
for knitting enthusiasts, as well as highlight the best upcoming events
to attend – mark your calendars! By Danielle Ryan

There are so many reasons why wool
is the perfect fibre – it’s breathable,
soft, static resistant, repels dirt, is
available in an array of colours and is
fashionable to wear. It is simple to keep

your wool clothes in top condition, and
if cared for correctly, your wool will last
a lifetime. Here are some easy tips on
caring for woollen garments:

detergent as this can strip away the
natural oils of the wool.
‘wool’ or ‘hand wash’ setting.

did not leave it soaked in water for an
extended amount of time.
water can be absorbed by squeezing
a towel around the garment.
flat surface to dry. This will ensure it
keeps its shape.
direct contact with the wall of your
closet. The preferable method of
storage for wool is in cabinets or
storage boxes.
clothes hangers as this can cause
them to stretch overtime.
speciality device. This will help the
garment keep its style.

Caring for your woollen garments


yarn producer, and instructor,
with Interweave a highly acclaimed
teaching video on “Continental
This 78 minute video teaches and
demonstrates in simple and easily
understood stages all that is necessary
to become a proficient continental
style knitter. The video caters for
outright beginners to experienced
knitters in other styles.

Biggan is passionate about continental
knitting compared to other forms of
knitting as it is quicker, involves less
bodily movements, and produces
beautifully even stitches. It is far kinder
to knit for arms and shoulders and
lessens the chance of arthritis and, for
those already with arthritis, allows them
to continue knitting with minimal effort
and discomfort.
This video has sold particularly
enthusiasm and clear diction and

instructions make it
easy and enjoyable
to follow. Many
purchasers have
commented on
how quickly they
learned to knit in
the continental
style and how
it has changed
their output and
quality of knitting

Continental Knitting Video

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