Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1

30 AUGUST 2017 |


ness” and show them that with hard work, positivity and the
willingness to give back that they can accomplish anything
they want to in life.

IM: What are your workouts really like?
BF: My workouts tend to be longer and drawn out. I don’t go
with crazy intensity the majority of the time. I’m more about
staying healthy and without injury and maintain at this point.
I do mid weight and a lot of sets and reps, on average, and I
hit the muscle from as many angles as I can.

IM: How did you get involved with Dymatize?
BF: I was a big fan of Dymatize for years. I used their prod-
ucts and really liked them. After I competed for the fi rst time
and started looking for sponsors, I reached out to them fi rst.
I was literally nobody in the industry. I had only competed a
few times, hadn’t done any fi tness shoots, had no following,
etc. Every company out there blew me off except Dymatize.
They were extremely nice and actually sent me out supple-
ments a few times. Fast forward years later [and] I had

worked with many companies as a sponsored athlete. I had
made the choice to step away from a relationship to look for
a new one. I reached out to and told them
what I wanted to do. They took a week or so and got back to
me with some companies that they could see me represent.
They were all big name companies and were all interested
in me, which for me was crazy to think because I still view
myself as the same guy I was when I fi rst got into all of this.
Dymatize was one of the companies that they mentioned
and they said that they were very excited to talk to me.

I had my fi rst phone call with them, which went great. I knew
right then that they were the company for me, and that I
didn’t want to work with anyone else. I didn’t even talk to
the other companies and signed a long-term contract with
Dymatize. They will be my fi nal home when it comes to
representing a supplement company. I have no want to ever
leave and believe in them, their products, their mission/vi-
sion and all that they do. I am proud to work with them and
be a part of their team.

IM: What’s your meal plan like?
BF: I don’t really track anything, but more so
eat intuitively. I also have tried about every
variation of dieting. Currently I have imple-
mented an intermittent fasting approach.
I don’t always follow this, but due to my
schedule it fi ts my lifestyle well. I get about
90 percent of my food from Icon Meals,
which makes meal planning extremely easy. I
also am a creature of habit. I eat many of the
same foods day in and day out and never get
sick of them. My standard diet would look
like this:
Meal 1 – 1 cup oats , 1.5 cups egg whites
Post workout 1.5 scoop Dymatize Iso whey
Meal 2 – 5-6 oz protein (chicken, cod, buf-
falo, lean turkey- I change it up throughout
the day)
1-2 cups veggies (green beans, asparagus,
spaghetti squash, broccoli)
30-40 grams carbs – rice or sweet potatoes
Meal 3 – 5-6 oz protein
40-50 grams carbs
1-2 cup veggies
Meal 4 – 2 scoops Iso whey
Meal 5 – 6-8 oz protein (usually sirloin
or buffalo)
40-50 grams carbs
1-2 cup veggie
Snack (I usually have this every night)
1.5- 2 cups oats 3-4 Tbsp peanut butter
Meal 6 – Protein pancake made with egg
whites and Dymatize casein protein
1-2 Tbsp peanut butter


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