Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1

34 AUGUST 2017 |

Barbell Incline 5 20,12,10,10,8
Machine Flye 4 15,12,10,8
Decline Hammer Machine Press 4 15,12,10,8
Flat Barbell 5 15,12,10,8,6
Standing Cable Flye 4 15,12,10,10
Abs – Pick 3 exercises- 3 to 4 sets per movement/ 25-50 reps per set

Standing Dumbbell Curl 4 12,10,8,8
Standing Cable Rope Pulldown 5 15,12,10,10,8
Standing Hammer Curl 4 12,10,8,8
Standing Triceps Pushdown 5 15,12,10,10,8
Standing Straight Bar Arm Curl 4 10,10,8,8
Dips On Bench 4 sets of at least 20 reps 20,20,20,20
Seated Concentration Curl or Seated Machine Curl 3 sets- failure
Single Arm Reverse Cable Pulldown 3 sets of at least 20,20,20,20

Leg Extension 4 50,40,35,25
Smith Machine or Regular Squat 5 25,20,15,10,10
Leg Press (will sometimes incorporate into a workout, depends on energy)
5 50,40,35,25,20
Lunge 4 20 (10 per leg) reps
Seated Leg Curl 4 25,20,15,15
Seated Calf Raise 4 25
Abs – Pick 3 exercises- 3 to 4 sets per movement/ 25-50 reps per set

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4 15,12,10,10
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5 15,12,10,10
Dumbbell Front Raise 3 15,12,10
Dumbbell Shrug 5 20,20,15,12,10
Upright Row 4 15,12,12,10
Seated Rear Delt Machine, Cables or Dumbbells: 4 sets 15,12,12,10

Wide-Grip Pull-Up 4 15,15,12,10
Seated Hammer Reverse Grip Pulldown 4 12,12,10,10
Seated Cable Pull Back 4 12,12,10,8
Machine Lat Pulldown 5 15,12,10,10,8
Standing Front Pulldown 4 20,20,15,12
Hyper Extension 4 20,20,15,15

“On my sixth day I will pick two to three body parts I think that are lagging
and do a touch up. I may do a circuit, or I may pick two to three exercises
for each group. I really focus on the muscle and take time to make sure
I’ve worked it effectively. These days I normally lift very light, strict form,
high reps.”

am proud to say myself nor do my
trainers take part in those methods.
We run Fokken Strong Training with
integrity and are proud of the work we
do. You can find my training at http://www.

IM: What’s the most important thing
people often don’t realize about
your success?
BF: That it came later in life. I didn’t
start competing until I was 30. I got my
first sponsor at 32 and it snowballed

from there. It took hundreds of hours of
work, lots of failure and a lot of [negative
answers] before I ever got a single yes.

IM: Do you have any words of wisdom
that have served you well over the years
that you feel can help our readers in
their fitness journey?
BF: Surround yourself with positive people
and people that help you along the way.
Negative people will just bring you down
and make it that much harder for you to
achieve your goals. The people that bring
you down are afraid of change, and feel
that your positive attitude and hard work
somehow makes them have to make those
changes too, which scares people, so
they will become your worst critics. Rise
above that and work on you. You are the
best investment you can make. Also be
open to advice. Ask questions and absorb
what others pass on to you. However don’t
make this information “truth” as many
gurus out there believe they know it all and
will pass on bad advice every chance they
get. Do your homework and investigate the
advice you are given and find which advice
best works for you.

Don’t try to be just like someone else –
that’s a recipe for failure. It’s ok to look up
to, learn from and be inspired by others,
but don’t put yourself below them and
assume they are better than you. Be you
and proud of your own accomplishments.
The people you admire were once not so
different than you. Blaze your own trail! You
can accomplish anything you want with a
strong mind, strong goals and hard work.
So if you want something, go get it.

IM: Is there anyone you look to for inspi-
ration in your life?
BF: I look to many people. I will keep it
simple though and leave it with my wife
and son. They inspire me to do great
things, to get up at 5am every day and
grind throughout the week. Beyond them,
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been my
lifelong inspiration.

IM: What advice would you give to any-
one wanting to make it in fitness and/or
fitness competing?
BF: You need to first of all be ok with
yourself in whatever you are involved in, or
what level you are at in everything you do
(workout routine, diet, etc.). When you are
ok with yourself and love yourself, you will
make more of a commitment to the better-
ment of you. You also won’t get discour-
aged when things don’t go exactly how you
want them to. You will have the strength to
carry on and continue to try to achieve the
results you are striving for. If you don’t love
yourself now and every step of the way,
you definitely won’t be happy wherever it is
you are going.



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