Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1

Keeping your torso upright and elbows
under the bar press it overhead. At the
top of the rep the bar should be directly
overhead. Lower the bar back to the
starting position.

Wide Grip Cable Pulldown
Grab the bar with an overhand grip
that’s wider than shoulder-width
apart. Pull the bar down to your chest
focusing on pulling from your elbows
to activate the lats. Hold the bar at your
chest for a second drawing your shoul-
der blades down and then slowly move
back to the starting position.

Dumbbell Curl
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with
your palms facing in while standing
up. Keeping both elbows still, lift the
dumbbells while turning your palms so
they face straight up at the top. Reverse
the motion and lower back to the start-
ing position.

Lie down on a bench holding an EZ-
bar with an overhand grip. Start with
your arms extended and elbows over
your shoulders. Keeping your elbows
still, lower the bar towards your fore-
head then extend your elbows to lift it
back up.

Front Squat
Set up a barbell in a squat or power
rack just below shoulder height. Get
under the bar so it rests on the front
of your shoulders then cross both
arms over top to hold the bar in place.
Unrack the bar and take one step back
into a shoulder-width stance. Keep-
ing your torso upright, squat and lower
your hips till your thighs are parallel to
the ground then exhale and stand up.

Barbell Lunge
Begin by standing with a barbell on
your upper traps. Take a big step for-
ward with your right leg then lower your
body till your left knee almost touches
the ground. Press back through your
right foot to return to the starting posi-
tion. Complete all reps on the right side
then all reps on the left side.

Romanian Dumbbell Deadlift
Stand up and hold two dumbbells in
front of your thighs. Slightly bend your
knees and lower your torso by pushing
your hips back keeping your spine neu-
tral. Extend your hips forward contract-
ing your hamstrings and glutes till you
are standing straight up.

Bulgarian Split Squat
Start facing away from a bench hold-
ing two dumbbells. Lift your left leg
and place it on the bench behind you.
Keeping your right foot in one spot,
lower your left knee to the ground while

keeping your torso upright and right
knee over your right heel. Drive up
through the right foot back to the
starting position. Repeat on the
opposite side.

Lying Leg Curl
Start lying on your stomach on the ma-
chine. Place both legs under the pad
hip-width apart. Lift the pad towards
your hamstrings. Lower it back to the
starting position keeping tension on
the hamstrings throughout.

Standing Calf Raise
Standing on the calf raise machine,
place both of your feet hip-width apart.
Lower your heels so they go below your
toes. Press up with your toes going as
high as possible and pause. Lower your
heels back to the starting position.

Exercise Ball Pike
Start in a push-up position with both
feet on the ball. Keeping your legs
straight, lift your hips straight up so the
ball rolls forward and hips rise up over
your shoulders. Lower your hips back to
the starting position.

Exercise Ball Knee Tuck
Start in a push-up position with both
of your feet on the ball. Draw both
knees in towards your chest so your
thighs almost touch your stomach.
Extend your legs back out to the start-
ing position.

Exercise Ball Crunch
Start with your shoulders on the ex-
ercise ball facing up. Lift your hips so
your knees, hips and shoulders are all
parallel to the fl oor. Place both hands
by your head and lift your shoulders off
the ball. Pause and then lower back to
the starting position.

42 AUGUST 2017 |



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