Iron Man USA — August 2017

(Nora) #1 | AUGUST 2017 71

the other two essential amino acids:
Isoleucine and valine.

Another pretty awesome benefit of
leucine is that when the body breaks it
down in the muscles, another sub-
stance is formed as a result of this
breakdown: HMB. What you need to
know about HMB, as a lifter, is that it’s
an extremely powerful anti-catabolic
substance, meaning it prevents the
body from eating its own muscle tissue.
However, only about 3 to 5 percent of
the leucine you take in is converted to
HMB. The rest is used to build muscle
and stimulate mTOR.

Of course, you can buy HMB as a
supplement. I recommend the calcium
salt form (it comes as a free acid too).
Consider taking it three times a day
with your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It’ll provide an anti-catabolic muscle
shield, so to speak, pretty much around
the clock. As long as you are consum-
ing enough calories, your body will
be in a near-constant anabolic state
(which means it’s building things,
namely muscle).

The triceps is a three-headed muscle
that, generally speaking, originates in
the shoulder region and inserts just
below the elbow, on the posterior
(back) side of the arm. The three heads
are called the medial head (closest to
your ribs), long head (on the back side
of your arm, forms the inside of the
wishbone) and lateral head (on the
outside of your arm, forms the outside
of the wishbone). The muscle actions
the triceps performs are various and
essential: It pulls your elbow down from
an overhead position, extends your
elbow (straightens your arm) and also
plays a role in pronation of your hand
(turns your hand palm-down).

Training Your Triceps
So why do you need to know all this
science and anatomy info? Simple: You
need to know the muscle actions to
train them.

With that in mind, what follows are four
different moves that will help you build
bigger triceps. Not sure why we picked
these? Rest easy. We give you a short
explanation of what action it is working
on and why it’s important.

  • Close-grip bench press works on
    extension of the elbow and pronation
    of the hands. Of course, that’s if you’re
    doing it right. Also, you can’t really
    hope to get large without at least one

big, compound (multi-joint)
lift in your workout. And no,
traditional skullcrushers don’t
count – the wrist and elbow
are minor joints. The fact that
heavy compound moves acti-
vate mTOR is an added benefit
of this move.

  • Rolling skullcrushers pull the
    arms out of an overhead posi-
    tion and also extend the elbow.
    Two joints, two muscle actions
    worked on and two heads of
    the triceps emphasized.

  • Pullover presses mainly
    focus on elbow extension. But,
    similar to the rolling skull-
    crusher, they work on pulling
    the arms out of that overhead
    position as well. Again, two
    muscle actions, two joints
    worked and two heads of the
    triceps involved.

  • Pressdowns are unique in
    the way that they can work on
    all three muscle actions and
    are best used as a finishing
    move. Why? Although there
    are a lot of joints involved, you
    have to keep it light due to
    the degree of hand pronation
    required to do the move cor-
    rectly. All three major muscle
    actions and all three heads
    stressed in this movement.

Use this workout for eight
weeks and your triceps are
sure to grow. Feel free to do
this workout as many times as
you want per week, as long as
you’re not sore prior to starting
it. You’ll be sore the first couple
of times you try this. Consider
yourself warned.

The muscle actions

the triceps performs

are various and

essential: It pulls your

elbow down from an

overhead position,

extends your elbow

(straightens your

arm) and also plays

a role in pronation of

your hand (turns your

hand palm-down).

Dumbbell Shrugs On Back Day
Chin-Up 3 30
V-Bar Pulldown 3 12
Wide Grip Behind The Neck Pulldown 2 8
T-Bar Row 3 12
Dumbbell Shrug 4 12/ 10/8/6


So where do you put these moves in your workout? Now this is just a
recommendation, but on your arm day, push day, back and tris, or whatever,
do the following as your triceps workout. Be sure to perform all moves in
straight-set format. For example, do all sets of exercise one first, then all sets
of exercise two and so on. Also, select a weight that allows you to complete
the prescribed reps, but no more.

Close-Grip Bench Press 4 12
Rolling Skullcrusher 4 15
Pullover Press 4 12
Pressdown 4 X*
*X= as many reps as possible

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