Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 103

Air Squat
Muscles targeted: Quads, glutes,
hamstrings, core

“Air squats build strength and power
in the hamstrings, quads, hips and
glutes while stabilising the core,”
Torres says.

How-to: Stand with your feet shoul-
der-width apart, legs turned slightly
outward and arms extended in front
of you at shoulder height. Kick your
hips back and bend your knees to
squat toward the floor, weight in
your heels, chest lifted, focus forward.
Descend until your hips drop below
your knees, then stand back to
the start.

Bear Crawl
Muscles targeted: Core,
shoulders, quads, hip flexors


“Bear crawls improve core
and upper-body strength,
scapular stability and overall
shoulder health,” says Molly
Galbraith, CSCS, owner of
Girls Gone Strong (girlsgone

How-to: Get on all fours with
your feet and hands both
slightly wider than shoulder
width. Pick your knees up
slightly off the floor while
keeping your back straight
and your head neutral. Crawl
forward by taking small,
controlled steps using the
opposite hand and foot while
keeping your butt down and
your knees close to the floor.
Crawl for total reps, distance
or time.


Make It Harder: Try pistol squats — the
one-legged version of the air squat.
Make It Easier: Place a chair behind
you and touch your glutes to the chair
with each rep.


Make It Harder: Take your crawls
on the move laterally, in reverse or
in patterns.
Make It Easier: Hold stationary, in
the start position, for time (five to
30 seconds).


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