Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 105

Muscles targeted: Upper back, rear
delts, forearms, grip


“Using a TRX for rows and inverted
rows minimises the stress on the wrists,
elbows and shoulders that is often
associated with fixed bar work,” Smith
says. “A pull-up bar doesn’t allow for
small adjustments as you perform the
movement, thus causing inflammation
and irritation due to common immo-
bility issues like tight lats, internally
rotated shoulders and a weak back.”

How-to: Grasp a set of TRX handles
with your palms facing inward, arms
extended. Walk your feet forward until
your body is at about a 45-degree
angle to the floor and your head,
hips and heels are aligned. Keep your
body rigid as you drive your elbows
back and draw your shoulder blades
together to pull your chest up to the
handles. Pause briefly, then slowly
lower to the start.

Make It Harder: Place your
heels on a box so your body
is horizontal, parallel with
the floor.
Make It Easier: Walk your
feet back under you so
you’re more vertical.

Exercise Reps
Tuck jump 10-15

TRX row To failure
Burpee plus 10-15
Dip To failure

Multi-planar lunge/squat 10 each leg
Back-and-forth bear crawl 20 steps forward, 20 backward
Dead bug advanced (arms + legs) 10 each side

Exercise Reps
Air squat 20-25

Push-up To failure
TRX row To failure
Dead bug 10-15

Burpee 10



Crafting your own body-
weight workout is simple:
choose one lower-body
move, one upper-body
push (chest/shoulders/tri-
ceps), one upper-body pull
(back/biceps), one core
move and one full-body
exercise and arrange them
in a circuit. Here are a few

Repeat the circuit three to
five times, depending on
your fitness level.
For muscle building and
strength, rest one minute
between each exercise.
For cardiovascular condi-
tioning and fat loss, rest as
little as possible between
moves and one to two min-
utes between circuits.
Sub in any “harder” or
“easier” variations of the
listed exercises, if desired.




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