Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

106 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au

Tuck Jump
Muscles targeted: Glutes,
quads, hamstrings, core

“This dynamic movement
helps strengthen the lower
body while building explo-
sive power and engaging
the core,” Torres says.

How-to: Stand in an open
area in an athletic “ready”
position — feet hip-width
apart, knees slightly bent,
ready to explode. Quickly
bend your knees and hips
to load up your glutes and
quads, then jump vertically
as high as possible. While
in the air, lift your knees to
your chest in a tuck and then
extend your legs and land
softly, absorbing the impact.
Collect yourself, then repeat.

Make It Harder: Add a
lateral element — jumping
a few feet to the side while
tucking the knees up.
Make It Easier: Eliminate
the knee tuck; do vertical
jumps only.


Dead Bug
Muscles targeted: Core, hip

“This deceptively challenging
exercise targets the anterior
core (abs) and can even out
asymmetries from side to
side,” Galbraith says.

How-to: Lie face-up with
your knees and hips bent
90 degrees and your arms
extended over your shoul-
ders, perpendicular to the
floor, palms facing inward.
Press your lower back into
the floor as hard as you can,
then hold that position as you
slowly extend one leg toward
the floor, simultaneously
lowering the opposite arm
behind your head. Stop when
your leg and arm are almost
touching down, then return to
the start.

Make It Harder: Hold the
extended position for longer
time increments, or do all reps
on one side before switching.
Make It Easier: Hold the start
position for time (10 to 30 sec-
onds), or eliminate the arms
and only extend the legs one
at a time.


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