Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 11





10 12

What is your fitness
inspiration? Whether it’s
your favourite workout,
a run through the
neighbourhood or your

yoga mat, we want to see

what inspires you. Share
it with us on Instagram
or tweet us using the
hashtag #IAMOXYGEN
and your photo could be
featured in an upcoming
issue of Oxygen!




Now on oxygenmag.com.au
Go to our website for up-to-the-minute news on health and fitness, plus we
post new workouts, moves, and recipes every day! Here’s a small taste of
what we have in cyberspace in September and October.





number 1 addiction.

  1. @salbm
    Not sure whether to thank you @
    stephfitmum or curse you after
    you put me through Week 4 Day
    2 of your #peachstrongpro-

  2. @shannahbaker
    Um, is this real life? My first
    cover! @oxygenmagau On sale
    TODAY! Grab a copy & have
    a little read... the issue is full of
    amazing content!

  3. @fit.mum.nz
    HBed time meal on my new
    muscle growth food plan and
    some light reading about my

  4. @kaileyallirahfitness
    After another busy weekend of
    kids sports, catch ups with good
    friends and family birthday par-
    ties and no uni study after a
    massive week of uni and training
    it's time to chill out with my much
    anticipated @oxygenmagau

  5. @sophieocallaghan
    Work hard , Dream BIG

  6. @nadinemuller_
    [MENTALITY] Stay positive,
    stay focused, stay diligent,
    stay brave, stay ambitious,
    stay strong Think about
    it - Mentality is every-
    thing. Motivate the mind;
    the body always follows,
    when you toughen the
    body, you polish the spirit.
    Who is with me!?

  7. @merrihealthy
    Thanks to @oxygen-
    magau for posting this on
    their Facebook page!! It
    was an amazing experi-
    ence being coached and
    mentored by @hattie-

  8. @kyliefitmummyeaton
    Most people I meet think
    I have always been into
    fitness or think I'm natu-

rally athletic (I'm not very good
at sports and don't like outdoor
training but I'm working on that)
This pic proves that it has
taken work!

  1. @amandah_pt
    Training shoulders 3 x a week
    ready for Season B. I think it's
    finally starting to pay off!

  2. @livingbeautyamelia
    Train like a beast, look like a
    beauty! My protein is essential
    after a week of training hard.

  3. @tarynpolovin
    We managed to sneak in an
    amazing photoshoot down in
    beautiful Bondi just before the
    cold weather hit.

  4. @biancaballingerfitness
    Having a giggle tonight! Just
    found this pic hubs has been
    keeping in his desk (of me at
    age just turned 24!) I never lifted
    much back then, I ate what I
    wanted, when I wanted and
    chocolate was my absolute


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