Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

112112 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au


ec’s advice to women wanting
to get into the best shape of their
life START TODAY... the first steps
are the hardest, but don’t wait
until Monday. Find a support system that
works for you; we all need help and make
sure you’re setting yourself realistic goals.
You want to set yourself up for success.
How do you feel now you have
completed the Oxygen challenge?
I feel AMAZING, this challenge has got me
back on track in training and I’m pushing
myself and reaching new goals constantly.
I’ve found a healthy relationship with food:
enjoying a little bit of chocolate and wine
and still being able to go out for a meal
with family and friends without it ruining
my whole “diet”. Life’s about balance and
sometimes that’s hard to remember.
What made you join the challenge?
I had reached a point where I had plateaued
for so long and didn’t have any motivation
for training any more and was over trying
to find the quickest weight loss diet. I wasn’t
happy with how I felt, I had no energy and
felt fatigued a lot of the time which I found
hard while trying to start a new career
and looking after my two girls, who are
very active and play large amounts
of sports outside of school. I had
finally realised that something had
to change if I wanted to be a better
version of me, to feel good on the
inside and the outside. It therefore
helped me to be the best person in all
aspects of my life, especially in being
there for my girls.
What has been the most rewarding
aspect of the challenge?
Initially it was definitely seeing the changes
to my body, as this started happening so fast.
All the while feeling full and loving the food
I was eating which is a bonus when “dieting”.
The renewed energy came a little later on,
but I started to wake up without feeling tired
and before the dreaded alarm clock or the

Bec Rotunno / QLD
Age: 32
Height: 168cm
Starting weight: 65kg
Current weight: 58kg
Occupation: Cosmetic

Bec’s workout week
Monday 30 min fasted
cardio AM
Lower body – glute
Tuesday 30 min fasted
cardio AM
Upper body
Wednesday 30 min
fasted cardio AM
Total body circuit
Thursday 30 min
fasted cardio AM
Lower body – glute
Friday 30 min fasted
cardio AM
Upper body
Beach walk and abs
Sunday Rest day

Bec’s diet
Breakfast: Banana
protein pancakes and
caramel latte
Snack: 2 x rice cakes
with tuna/chicken and
Lunch: Chicken kale
salad with avocado
Snack: Protein shake
and almonds
Dinner: Turkey mince
and green veggies with
sweet potato



#teamrachel winner Bec
Rotunno has found a healthy
relationship with food: enjoying a
little bit of chocolate and wine and
still being able to go out for a meal
with family and friends without it
ruining her whole “diet”.


What continued to motivate you
throughout the challenge?
Apart from all of the above and feeling
amazing, the changing of the training
programs every four weeks I have loved as I
tend to get bored with training easily and
this was really refreshing and always
challenging... loved it!
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