Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Sep/Oct 2017 117


weighing 145kg and once again suffering
from post-natal depression. This led to my
marriage breaking down.
I attempted to lose weight as I knew this
was the best thing for me and my family
but I was in constant pain, and whilst I
thought it was because I was overweight, it
wasn’t too long before I was diagnosed with
Sjogren’s Syndrome. Doctors advised me to
lose weight or I would be crippled with pain
as I aged. This diagnosis made me realise
that something had to be done. I knew that I
wanted a fulfilling life, one that would ensure
that my sons are raised by a mother who
could provide the best for them, especially
now that I was on my own.
I knew what changes I had to make, I knew
that I was ready to get out of the negative
mindset I was in; I had two boys to raise on
my own after all. I wanted to fuel my body
correctly and I wanted my boys to have a
good example of proper nutrition in the
My diet now consists of 5-6 smaller
quantity meals: a good mix of carbs
(vegetables and fruit), quality protein
(grass-fed and organic) and fats to keep my
hormones in check. Sticking with my new
food choices can pose some issues when it
comes to being social with family and friends,
especially being of an Italian background,
when food is the common denominator and
is central to our gatherings. To combat this, I
check what is on the menu so that I can make
better food choices and I do not want to be a
burden to anyone and don’t want to ostracise
myself from family gatherings. Food is not
the enemy as it brings family together. In
total, I have lost 80 kilos!
I’m not a model, nor a competitor, I am
a mother who has a dream to be the best
version of myself by living a healthy life,
full of happiness and most importantly –
I also train upwards of 10 times a week,
and this is because I teach Cycle classes 3x a
week. I do weights 5x a week and am noticing
my strength gains, which is motivating. My
weight loss journey has led me to study and
achieve my Certificate IV in Fitness at the age
of 53 and I am stoked! Never in my wildest
dreams would I have ever thought I could
achieve all of this, especially where I started
as a couch potato.
I have amazing support and
encouragement from my family and my study
coach Zoe, they tell me to “go for it!”. I have
been given a second chance at life, and with
this I live for giving unconditional love and
am here to help anyone that can benefit from
my journey.


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