Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

20 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au



minute workout:
plate push

A plate and an
empty space is all
you need to get a
total-body workout.

With all the complicated
workout programming these days,
there’s something to be said for
simplicity — and nothing could be
simpler than a single weight plate
and a stretch of flat real estate.
This workout moves quickly,
hitting all your major muscle
groups, building cardiovascular
endurance, muscular strength and
explosive power, burning a heap of
calories in the process.
After warming up with some
light cardio and dynamic stretch-
ing, alternate between pushing a
plate for distance and performing
a strength move for reps. Use the
same plate for all your moves and
transition quickly from one exer-
cise to the next, resting one minute
between rounds. Complete as
many rounds and reps as you can
within your 20-minute time cap.
Then next time you do the work-
out, try to push yourself — and the
plate — a little harder to beat your
previous score.

Place the plate flat on the floor and hold it by the
edge. Drop your hips and knees so your shins are par-
allel with the floor while keeping your core braced and
your back and arms straight. Drive through your toes,
taking quick, short strides to push the plate forward as
fast as possible.
Make it easier: Move slower or choose a lighter plate.

Hold the plate by the sides and
fully extend your arms over-
head, elbows by your ears.
Stand wider than shoulder
width and turn your legs out
from the hip. Keeping your
back straight and the plate
balanced, drop your glutes
straight down, tracking your
knees over your toes until
your thighs come parallel to
the floor. Return to start and
squeeze your glutes at the top.
Make it easier: Hold the plate
your chest, elbows bent.

Stand to one side of the plate with
your feet hip-width apart. Kick your
hips back and drop into a squat,
then extend your legs and leap lat-
erally over the plate with both feet,
landing lightly on the other side
and going right into another squat.
Continue, alternating sides.
Make it easier: Step over the plate
and perform a squat.

Push it

Hold the plate over-
head, elbows by your
ears. Step forward and
bend both knees into a
deep lunge until your
rear knee touches the
ground lightly. Step
your feet together and
continue, walking for-
ward for reps.
Make it easier: Hold
the plate at your chest
and do your lunges


Get into a plank with your toes on the plate, core
tight. Press down with your toes as you lift your hips
up, pulling the plate toward your hands as you pike.
Then walk your hands back into a plank and repeat.
Complete as many reps as you can of the worm,
then perform push-ups to failure.
Make it easier: Use a lighter plate or put a towel
under your toes if the plate is too heavy.

Use an iron plate
rather than a
one or a bumper
plate. The iron will
slide best on most

By Liz Jackson, AFPA, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant

Photos by

Cory Sorensen /

Hair & Makeup:

Nancy J /


Stephanie Hammermeister /


Reflex /


Iron Lily /


Adid s

*Beginning athletes: use a 5-/10-kilo plate.
Seasoned athletes: use a 15-/20-kilo plate.

Move Distance/Reps
Plate push* 45 metres
Overhead sumo squat 10
Plate push 45 metres
Thruster 10
Plate push 45 metres
Over-plate lateral jump 10 (each side)
Plate push 45 metres
Overhead walking lunge 10 (each side)
Plate push 45 metres
Worm to push-up To failure
Plate push 45 metres

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