Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 45

Beat the Clock
Jet lag can leave you
lethargic and bleary-eyed
— not the ideal demeanor
for getting up and kicking
butt in the gym. Here are
some ideas to thwart those
time-zone troubles and
stay on track during your

  1. For trips with small time
    differences, try eating,
    sleeping and working out
    on your regular schedule.
    For instance, if you hop
    from Sydney to Melbourne,
    just do everything an hour
    later — such as getting in
    your usual 7am cardio at
    8am instead.

  2. Maintain your schedule
    by waking and going to
    bed at the same time as
    at home in your new time
    zone. The consistency will
    give you a better chance to

  3. Supplement for sleep.
    “I recommend taking
    melatonin an hour before
    bed to recover from jet
    lag and reset your sleep
    cycle,” says Dr Nikodemas
    McNulty, of Bastyr
    University in San Diego.
    Take 3 to 5 milligrams, but
    don’t exceed that amount.
    Instead, Dr McNulty
    recommends improving
    your sleep environment,
    making your hotel room
    as cool, dark and quiet as

  4. Get some travel tech.
    Try the Deluxe Glo to Sleep
    Therapy Mask, which uses
    gradually dimming and
    rising light to gently help
    you fall asleep and wake in
    your new location ($59.95,
    Or try the HumanCharger,
    an in-ear light-therapy
    device, to decrease jet-lag
    symptoms up to 50 per
    cent ($214,

Stand with your feet hip-width
apart, then step your left foot
back and behind your right,
keeping your hips square and
bending both knees to 90
degrees. As you return to the
start, lift your left leg straight
out to the side and slightly in
front of your body. Do all reps
on one side before switching.

For an incline push-up,
put your hands on an
elevated surface and
your feet on the floor.
For a decline push-up,
put your hands on the
floor and your feet on a
raised surface.

Hair & Makeup: Nancy J / Model: Holly Holton

/ Top: Champion / Shorts: Hylete / Shoes: NikeSecret
Gradually increase the
intensity/rate of your
skipping so your first set
hits around 5 out of 10
on the rate of perceived
exertion scale and your
last set is the hardest (10
out of 10).


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