Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Protein has many functions in the
body, including the critical role of
supporting your immune system.
Beef is a high-quality protein that
contains all essential amino acids,
especially immunity-boosting
arginine, glutamine and lysine.
Vitamin C is important to keep
your immune system healthy. It
stimulates the production of white
blood cells, which attack foreign
bacteria and viruses. One medium
orange contains more than 50 milli-
grams of vitamin C, or about 80 per
cent of your daily requirement.
Researchers at UCLA discov-
ered that a chemical in broccoli is
especially important for restoring
the body’s immunity as you age.
Sulforaphane, a natural chemical
in broccoli, switches on a set of
antioxidant genes and enzymes in
immune cells that combat free rad-
icals that can lead to disease and
cell damage.

Serving size: 1¼ cups
Total time: 40 minutes
Hands-on time: 25 minutes

  • 1 head broccoli, cut into florets

  • ½ cup orange juice

  • ½ cup low-salt beef broth

  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch

  • 2 tablespoons low-salt soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 450g steak, cut into very
    thin slices

  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • ¼ tablespoon black pepper

  • 1 orange, segmented and cut into
    thin pieces

  1. Steam broccoli florets in steamer
    basket until crisp-tender (not completely
    soft because broccoli will soften a little

Setting personal goals is the road map to victory. But
goals are merely words if you don’t have a plan in place.
Whether you want to feel more energetic and healthier or
shed fat and build muscle, use these simple and satisfying
recipes to take action today and commit to your health in
wholesome and delicious new ways.


more in sauce).

  1. In small-medium bowl, combine
    orange juice, beef broth, cornstarch
    and soy sauce with whisk; stir until
    cornstarch is dissolved.

  2. Heat oil in pan (not non-stick) over
    medium-high heat. Add steak slices
    and garlic; cook until meat is no longer
    pink, two to three minutes. Drain liquid
    from pan and return pan to heat.
    Season beef with salt and pepper.

  3. Add orange juice mixture to pan
    and bring to a simmer. Heat for about
    a minute or until sauce thickens.
    Remove from heat and stir in steamed
    broccoli and orange slices. Serve

Nutrition Facts (per serving): calories
315, total fat 14g, carbs 20g, fibre
5g, sugar 6g, protein 30g, sodium




72 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au


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