Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 83

Collagen (Type II) is most abundant in the cartilage that lines
our joints. This smooth cartilage type acts as a bearing surface
for our joints, keeping them working smoothly and painlessly.
Unfortunately, the normal wear and tear that comes with intense
training and age can lead to premature breakdown of joint cartilage,
promoting joint inflammation, bone loss, joint pain, immobility,
and time lost from activity and training. In terms of joint pain, a
recent clinical trial, published in The Eurasian Journal of Medicine,
illustrated that when knee osteoarthritis patients took a native Type

II collagen supplement with their standard daily dose of acet-
aminophen, there were significant improvements in joint pain,
joint function and quality of life that were far superior to taking
acetaminophen on its own.
Although exercise promotes collagen synthesis, which (in
a perfect world) provides ongoing repair to our joints, heavy
training schedules, genetic predispositions, past injuries and
age make it difficult for our bodies to match collagen supply
with demand. Recently, it was reported that taking a pre-
work-out collagen supplement (with vitamin C) increases
collagen synthesis better than exercise itself. In fact, subjects
who took the vitamin-C-enriched collagen supplement showed
a 200 per-cent increase in collagen synthesis over the placebo.
Bottom line: In an effort to keep your joints running smooth
and painlessly, we suggest using a daily Type II collagen supple-
ment formulated for joint protection and take as directed.

joint pain




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