Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

86 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au



auren didn’t always love the
gym or even a cardio session. In fact,
Lauren’s weekly workouts used to
comprise of an occasional outdoor
walk or a light resistance workout at home.
Prior to her love of health and fitness, Lauren
would often gorge on junk food and found she
had no concept of portion control. Drinking
alcohol 3-4 times per week, Lauren would
often follow this up with a trip through the
drive through at McDonalds at 3am. When
her girlfriends would come over to her house
to get ready for a night out, Lauren found she
could no longer borrow their clothes as she
was now too big to fit into any of them.
Lauren knew her weight was becoming an
issue when she was unable to fit into a size
14 pair of shorts one day at a clothing store.
When she asked if the assistant could get her a
size 16, the assistant informed her that a size
14 was the largest that they had.
Whilst Lauren was dating an ex-boyfriend
who was very committed to his health, fitness
and training, Lauren quickly learnt that she
was sabotaging her own progress in this field.
He bought her an Oxygen magazine and it
was the first time she had ever read or seen a

Gorging on junk food, regular partying and no goals
to aim for, Lauren Agius’s life was spiralling out
of control, until one day she was gifted an Oxygen
Magazine... and she has not looked back.

A New


of Life

fitness magazine. “I read it back to front that
night and my mindset and determination lit
a fire inside me to be like the girls I aspired to
look like and live a fitter way of life. From here
on in I became obsessed with fitness articles,
magazines, blogs, supplements and the gym.”
Lauren originally remembers walking into
the gym with no plan or goal set, she had no
idea of the kind of workout she wanted to do,
and she felt like she wandered around the
gym for 45 minutes, only to walk out feeling
unaccomplished and that she had ticked the

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