Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 91



Start by lying on your back with
your knees bent and your feet hip
width apart. Slowly draw your
navel to your spine and start to
flatten your back into the floor.
Starting with your tailbone, slowly
peel each vertebra off the floor
one at a time until you are in a
bridge position. Hold it here for a
breath and then place your hands
underneath your pelvis with your

fingers facing out to the side.
Exhale to slowly raise your right leg
to the ceiling, really lengthening
through the foot.
Inhale to lower your extended
right leg towards the floor without
changing your body position.
Exhale to kick the leg back up,
maintaining your alignment.
Repeat 5-6 kicks on the right leg.
Repeat on the opposite side.


Start in the shoulder bridge position as above with right leg
extended to the ceiling. Slowly reach the right leg as far back as
you can towards the floor behind you. Without “jumping” the left
foot, try to find a counterbalance where you can float your left
foot off the floor and then keep reaching back with your right
leg. You will come to a balanced position with your extended
right leg reaching back behind you and with your bent left leg
reaching towards the floor. Hold the position for a breath and
then slowly and with control try to float your left foot back to the
floor. Repeat on the other side.


Start in a forward lunge with both hands on the floor either side
of your front leg.
Exhale as you lengthen out your front leg, trying to keep your
spine long.
Inhale to bend your front knee and return to starting position.
Repeat this sequence 3-5 times then slowly rotate your body
until you are in a forward bend.
Hold this for 2-3 breaths and then twist to face the opposite
direction so that you are in a forward lunge on the other leg.
Repeat the entire sequence.
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