Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

92 Sep/Oct 2017 oxygenmag.com.au

Fit Mum


ating and cooking just for
yourself is always a well thought
out choice. Inevitably it is easily
satisfying and can be done so with
no backlash from some unhappy taste buds
from other people. Your shopping can be done
with your preferences in mind but - more
importantly - if you have chosen to follow a
relatively healthy food plan, the floor is yours.
You can pack all the fruit, veggies and proteins
to your heart’s delight into your trolley. Once
home you can unpack your groceries into your
kitchen to the tune of utter satisfaction that you
have stayed your path and avoided the junk
aisle. However, once you have little children
on board, here enters a certain ‘change’ you
did not anticipate in terms of different taste
requirements, different food preferences and
a guaranteed dislike to 80% of your previously
accepted ‘clean eating’ plan. So, I guess one
now needs to sit back and ask... how can I
make my kitchen work for me?
As a mother of 4-year-old twins and a
very strong minded 2-year-old, I can tell you
something you already know... most of the
time there is always someone who is not
happy. ‘The cheese is too hard on top’, ‘I don’t
like the way it feels in my mouth’, ‘That makes

Living solo? Eating

healthy was easy.

But now with

children on board,

the struggle to

keep your kitchen

running smoothly

seems to be an

endless battle.

me go ‘ugh’ in my mouth’, ‘I don’t like dinner as
it’s disgusting’, and my all-time favourite... ’I’m
never eating dinner, EVER, EVER AGAIN!!’.
(This is always screamed without even the
slightest knowledge of what dinner actually
I have always eaten fairly healthily and
have always remained fit. While pregnant, I
was adamant that I was going to put all of my
effort into making sure my children were as fit
and as healthy as I could possibly make them.

Once my children started eating solids, I made
sure they began by eating a HUGE range of
fruit, vegetables and proteins from the very
beginning and I’m sure this has helped along
the way. Don’t get me wrong, they have tried
McDonalds and they both didn’t like it and I
would say that it has been due to them eating
fresh food all their lives.
Growing up I was one of four kids and my
mum used to say ‘It’s not a restaurant; you eat
what you are given.’ And I found we actually

The Change

in the


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