Oxygen Australia Issue 93 SeptemberOctober 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

oxygenmagAU Sep/Oct 2017 93

did as we knew we could either eat it or be
hungry, so we ate. So when I had my twins, I
thought the same thing. I thought if all they
see is me eating vegetables, different proteins
and fruits, then they will think that is the norm
and they will do the same and this has been
the case.
Over time their taste buds have changed
somewhat, and not everything I eat they like,
but I have not wavered into catering for their
taste changes as most children will not tick

off their required amount of fresh fruit and
vegetables if they had their way! There is still
a lot of bargaining done at the table, “You can
have some strawberries after dinner if you eat
all your potato” etc. and sometimes this works.
Other times they leave the table with no dinner
and no strawberries. But I have found the top
3 things that work for me in maintaining a
healthy eating plan for myself while catering
to the needs of my family. They might give you
some ideas to try in your home.


This is my most important one as not
only does it save me time, it makes me
sit down and really think out the food I
am serving for not only myself but my family.
Organising breakfasts, lunches and dinners - plus
snacks - is a great way to be able to see exactly
how much fresh food you are eating. It makes
you put thought into the types of dinners you are
eating. I then will create a shopping list which
cuts down time at the supermarket and ends the
quandary most people face at the end of the day
with ‘What are we having for dinner tonight’.


Just because you are on a ‘healthy
eating’ plan, it doesn’t mean you
must miss out. There are many ways
to change the traditional family meals so that
they are healthier, e.g, I change my end of the
lasagna tray to have zucchini slices instead of
pasta sheets, or I will have zucchini pasta whilst
my family is eating spaghetti bolognese. It then
means we all eat together and I’m still on track
with my eating.


Serving your children the same
things you eat is also one thing I stick
with. I very rarely actually ask them
what they would like, I just make it and yell out
“Dinner is ready”, and then this illuminates the
conversation of whether one likes dinner or
not. They just accept that it’s there. This means
that I choose the meals based on the fact I know
what foods are better for them. If I am eating goji
berries and nuts, I will give them their own bowl
with the same ingredients. I don’t ask them; I
just serve it up. This also makes for a much more
harmonious household.
Finding healthy recipes to cook, taking food
for both yourself and your children when you
travel anywhere, and spending your Sunday
preparing for the week ahead are also very
important in making sure you are staying on
your ‘fit and healthy’ path when you have
children in tow. It may take more time initially,
but your result of a fit and healthy family will be
very rewarding and 100% worth it.


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