Many children exhibit
animism, which is the
belief that rocks, trees
and inanimate objects
have feelings
“Accordiinngg to
one version of
eevveerryyttthhhiiinnggg iiinn tthhhee
UUUUUUnnnnniiiiiiivvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrssssssseeee – iiiinnnnccccccllllluuuuuddddddiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg
ppeeooppllee, ttrreeeess, rroocckkss,
ccclllooouuudddsss aaannnddd eeevvveeennn
sssuuubbbaattoommiicc pppaaarrttiicclleesss –
iiisss cccooonnnsssccciiiioooouuuusss bbbeeecccaaauuussseeee
ccoonnnsscciioussnneesssss iiiss aa
ingredient off realliity”
The thalamus
(highlighted) is a
region of the brain
that’s thought to be
involved in the
regulation of