Cosmopolitan Bride Australia — Winter 2017

(Tina Meador) #1



Hens and bucks sorted?
Oh, but there’s so much
more fun to be had!


















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Kitchen tea
Otherwise known as a bridal
shower, this is when all the
women attending the wedding

  • young and old – gather
    for a morning or afternoon
    tea and a few themed games.
    Traditionally, the bridal shower
    is run by someone outside your
    family, but if your bridesmaids
    and besties are running the
    show at your hens, this is
    a fun event to let your mum
    or mother-in-law organise.
    Plan it for one to three months
    prior to the wedding. This is
    the perfect timing for building
    up momentum to the big event
    without dragging things out.
    Not sure where to start? There
    are a lot of cute traditions.
    Guests often bring the bride
    a household essential – think
    wooden spoons, Tupperware
    and measuring cups!

The next-day
It’s not a must, but there are
plenty of great reasons for
holding a brunch the day after
the wedding. For instance, to
thank your guests for travelling
so far and to recap the day with
everyone, or simply because
you’re all staying in the same
hotel. It can be as low-key as
booking a café or throwing a
BBQ. Like the rehearsal dinner,
it can be kept to immediate
family and out-of-town guests,
and maybe guests who’ve
stayed at the venue. Keep it
simple – or invite everyone
if it’s more appropriate! Just
remember you’ll be exhausted,
plus your guests will have
already spent a lot of time
(and money) celebrating!#

This often happens within
the first three months of
engagement, but it’s also fine
to have it later. Chances are
you won’t have your wedding
guest list finalised at this point,
but if you’re having a formal
engagement party, complete
with invitations, catering and so
on, then it might be considered
impolite to invite people who
won’t be asked to the wedding.
However, if you’re planning
on eloping or keeping the big
day super-small, then inviting
everyone to your engagement
party can be a great option.

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