Australian Natural Health – June-July 2017

(Sean Pound) #1
Two days ago, I was lucky enough to attend an evening with world-
renowned spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. While it’s fair to say I’m familiar
with his writings – having devoured his books The Power of Now and
A New Earth more times than I’d like to admit – hearing him speak in
person and witnessing someone who is so in tune with the present moment
was a unique experience.
What’s fascinating about Tolle is that he speaks with equal parts
knowledge and humour – a rare combination that’s not often found in
spiritual teachers these days. Of all the pearls of insight he spoke – and
believe me, there were many – one thing stuck in my mind: “Stepping out
of thought, when you want, is spiritual awakening.” Understanding that
we are not our thoughts, but rather, the awareness and presence behind our
thoughts, can be an utterly life-changing realisation. It’s something that
tens of thousands of people around the world are coming to understand,
with the help of books, writers, speakers, teachers, experts and the like.
We’re in the midst of an exciting time where science and spirituality
are finding common ground, as researchers are documenting the life
transforming power of ancient practices such as meditation, deep belly
breathing and mindfulness – the latter of which is our central theme this
issue. We look at the science of mindfulness (page 32), the power of the
breath (page 42), why mindfulness is a powerful tool for beauty (page 68)
and how essential oils help to bring us into the present moment (page 72).
Nearly 2,500 years after mindfulness was identified in Buddhist
philosophy as a core aspect of the path to awakening, it’s being recognised
for its ability to bring us into calmness, presence and wellness. Today,
clinical psychologists are teaching the wisdom that the Buddha coined
several thousand years ago: “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the
future, concentrate your mind on the present moment.”
I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
In love and health,



s letter

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Danae Dimitropoulou, Editor



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