Australian Natural Health – June-July 2017

(Sean Pound) #1



I think we have an
evolving relationship
wtih food and we
eat according to
our personal and
changing needs.




A passion for food, health and wellness is what inspired TALINE
GABRIELIAN to launch her website and successful recipe app, Hippie
Lane. Seven years on, she’s still committed to spreading her love for
nourishing wholefoods. She chats to DANAE DIMITROPOULOU about
healing through food and why she’d describe herself as a flexitarian.

When did you develop a passion for
health and wellness?
I was faced with my own path to healing
approximately seven years ago, when
I learnt that I was sensitive to some
everyday ingredients: gluten, egg, dairy,
refined sugar and soy. It felt limiting at
the time, faced with a long list of no-nos,
but once I got into experimenting with
alternatives, I fell in love with the process.
I became really serious about health,
food, nutrition and wellness. Being a
massive foodie and obsessed with sweet
treats, I began making alternative treats
using nuts, seeds, dates and a variety of
superfoods. I fell in love with the creative
process of coming up with unique
recipes and I was over the moon that I
could indulge in healthy treats without
compromising my healing.

Why did you turn your attention
towards creating nourishing meals?
After learning that my food choices
were affecting my gut and overall
health, I knew I had to make a change.
I wanted to feel and look my best, and I
was motivated to find healthier options.
I experimented with wholefoods that
were natural, unprocessed and bursting
with health benefits. I began making
simple switches, like replacing rice with
quinoa and flour for buckwheat, and

was blown away. I wasn’t missing out on
anything; in fact, I gained a newfound
appreciation for health and nourishing
food and I’ve never looked back.

When was Hippie Lane born?
I knew there were others who had food
sensitivities, allergies and intolerances,
and others who are on the hunt for
healthy options. I felt that I had truly
stumbled across something amazing and
I wanted to share my passion and recipe
creations with the world, so I began
supplying my treats to cafés around
town [Sydney]. They were received very
warmly and the business grew organically
from there. I had grown a strong
following in the health community and
the demand for my recipes spurred on
the development of the Hippie Lane
recipe app in 2015. Two years on and I’ve
just launched my own cookbook.

What inspired you to write Hippie
Lane: The Cookbook?
My followers! I’ve had such a supportive
following of health-minded foodies who
have led the way for me. With a strong
demand for more recipes and content,
they spurred the development of the
Hippie Lane app in 2015, which led to
them to demand more.
When publishers approached me,
I was ready to pursue the dream of
publishing my first cookbook. To be
in a position to inspire people around
the world to choose healthy is such
an honour and a privilege. I take it
seriously and I’ve invested much of
the year last year to developing Hippie
Lane: The Cookbook and I couldn’t be
more proud of it.
When planning the recipes, f lavour
and practicality was my priority, so I
hope that the recipes fit perfectly into
your life and become staples for you.
The recipes will get you excited to get
messy in the kitchen, and give you the
confidence to get serious about health.

What’s your philosophy on food?
I like to eat a mainly plant-based diet,
mostly organic and preferably locally
sourced [foods]. I like to emphasise
eating more fresh foods, less packaged
and refined foods, and being easy
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