Australian Natural Health – June-July 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

stress reduction and relaxation, which
triggers the body’s natural healing
abilities,” says McKean.
Although many variations of reiki
have come to light over time, the
traditional form of Usui reiki – which
McKean swears by – was founded by
Dr Mikao Usui in the late 1800s. Dr
Usui underwent a seven-year search to
uncover the secrets of natural healing,
which led him to a sacred formula
written in ancient Buddhist writings.
Now, along with its accompanying
symbols, this formula is used by reiki
practitioners worldwide.

The reiki difference
Although powerful, reiki uses gentle
energy that rebalances the body, mind
and spirit. “Reiki is a non-invasive
natural therapy bringing both health
and wellbeing to the recipient,” says
McKean. “Reiki can also be performed
without touching the recipient, which
can help people who are too sore to
touch, such as someone with burns.”
Unlike physical forms of healing –
such as massage, which only permeates
the physical layer – reiki works beneath
the physical layer to to heal the inner
workings of the body.

Adding to its versatile nature, one
of the most unique aspects of reiki
is its ability to heal from a distance.
According to McKean, a person or
situation that requires treatment can
be healed without being in the physical
presence of the practitioner. “You can
send reiki to people across a room,
across town or even in other parts of
the country or world,” she says. “A reiki
practitioner is able to heal a person
through the use of a photograph and
send healing to specific world disasters.
Distance is no barrier.”

The science
In 2005, William Lee Rand,
the founder and president of the
International Center for Reiki Training,
formed The Center of Reiki Research
( It was
here that he compiled the first easily
accessible list of current research and
promoted the use of reiki in hospitals.
The centre compiled research and found
that 83 per cent of reiki studies show
moderate to strong evidence in support
of the treatment’s ability to aid feelings
of pain, stress and anxiety. Perhaps the
most significant overall finding is that
in respect to safety, reiki has no negative
effects, meaning a patient can only
benefit from the treatment.
While experts state that reiki is by
no means a replacement for modern
medicine, it’s increasingly being
implemented in a number of aged-care
facilities and hospitals around the world
to assist with post-surgery patients,
dementia and even cancer recovery
patients. A study conducted by the
University of Huddersfield found that
reiki improved the quality of life for
cancer patients by lowering their levels
of anxiety, depression and fatigue.
McKean believes that the basics of
science actually support reiki’s overall
healing abilities. “Through science,
we know that we are all a collective
energy from the same source. There is
no solid matter, only different levels of
vibrations. All forms vibrate at different
levels, yet they are all interconnected,”
she says.

The benefits
Reiki is also a great tool for relaxation
as it has been found not only to reduce
stress, but increase mental clarity and
assist with overcoming emotional
blockages. “When the flow of the life
force energy is disrupted, weakened
or blocked, emotional or health
problems tend to occur,” says McKean.
“Imbalances can be caused from many
situations occurring in our lives, such
as emotional or physical trauma,
injury, negative thoughts and feelings,
nutritional depletion and unhealthy
relationships. Reiki is excellent for


For thousands of years, humans have
used complementary therapies and
alternative medicine practices for
healing. While there are countless
options available, reiki is a unique
modality that has attracted the
attention of scientists worldwide
for its ability to heal on three levels:
physically, emotionally and spiritually.
With positive study results and
an increasing number of hospitals
supporting its use, now might be a
greater time than ever to give reiki a go.
The Japanese word reiki, translates
to ‘universal life energy’, as ‘rei’ means
life and ‘ki’ means energy. Reiki is
based on the notion that a trained
practitioner can tap into this supply
of external energy, channel it through
their body and transmit the natural
healing vibrations through their hands
and into the body of a recipient.
According to Kathryn McKean,
reiki master and teacher at Eternal
Energy (, the
treatment sends energy to where it is
needed, clearing blockages, dissolving
negative energy and balancing the
energy centres – commonly known as
chakras. “The greatest healing benefit is AUSTRALIAN NATURAL HEALTH | 85
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