Australian Natural Health – June-July 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

healing physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual issues of any kind and
gives wonderful results.”

Reiki healing is subtle energy work,
making it safe for all ages including
pregnant women, babies and children.
Reiki can actually heal all living
things – including animals and plants.
“Everyone can receive reiki and often
the body’s natural healing abilities
simply need to be triggered by a reiki
master,” says McKean. “Reiki belongs
to all who seek and desire to learn the
art of healing. It knows no colour,
creed or age.”
It is a common misconception that,
much like other spiritual practices, a
reiki practitioner must already hold a
superior connection to the universal
life energy source. But, in fact,
everyone has the ability to learn and
perform reiki once attuned by a reiki
master. Dr Mikao Usui is said to have
meditated for 21 days without food or

water, waiting for the power to heal.
McKean explains that today, power
comes from a much simpler concept.
“Attunement is a series of initiations
where a reiki master uses the very
ancient Tibetan technology to transfer
energy to a student,” she says.

What to expect
A common question asked of reiki
practitioners is what the recipient
can expect to experience and feel
during a reiki treatment. According
to McKean, there is no one-size-fits-
all answer, as the experience will vary
from person to person. She suggests
you may feel a range of different
sensations during the session, but
all sensations are a good sign and
are physical indications that the
treatment is working.
“The most common sensation is
feeling heat from the practitioner’s
hands which can penetrate deeply
into the recipient. Tingling is another
sensation you may experience; it

The t hree levels of reiki

Over the years, some teachers have altered
the contents of what they have been taught to
accommodate their own beliefs and practices

  • creating new branches of reiki. According
    to The International Center for Reiki Training,
    there were also possibly four other styles of reiki
    healing practiced in Japan before traditional
    Usui reiki, and although there are some
    differences between teaching practices due to
    this, reiki is generally taught at three levels.
    Level one
    Reiki I is open to anyone to learn. The focus of
    this level is for students to learn the history of
    reiki and how to perform reiki on themselves
    and others. Most importantly, students
    are attuned, which involves a reiki master
    transferring energy in an amplified state to
    a student, allowing universal energy to flow
    more freely and deeply through them.
    Level two
    In reiki II, students are introduced to the symbols
    of reiki and how to perform distant healing.
    Upon completion of this level, in most cases
    a student is considered a reiki practitioner.
    Level three
    Reiki III allows a practitioner the opportunity
    to become a reiki master and generally
    allows a practitioner to then teach others.
    At master level, practitioners are attuned
    to the fourth and final symbol.

may be just in one area of your body or right
through it. Twitches may also be felt as energy
is unblocking certain areas and clearing the
path,” McKean explains. “You should not feel
self-conscious or concerned if you experience
any of these sensations, just relax, be open
and allow the amazing healing of reiki to
take place.”
As long as you choose a suitable reiki
practitioner, McKean assures that you’ll be
in good hands. “Personally, I would look
for a practitioner with experience, a master
certification in the traditional Usui method,
who belongs to a reiki association, a registered
business, and is fully insured,” she says. “A
registered business is more likely to have the
right certifications, insurance and follow
the right practices and procedures. I suggest
choosing someone who you feel drawn
to and comfortable with – be guided by
your intuition.”
Note: reiki is a complementary therapy
that should not replace medical advice.


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