Superfood - March-April 2017

(Marcin) #1


Cheesy Ricotta & Herb Pancakes


  • 2 medium eggs, separated

  • 100g (3½oz) ricotta

  • 20g (1oz) Parmesan cheese, fi nely grated

  • 1 tbsp wholemeal fl our

  • 2 tbsp freshly chopped herbs, such as chives,
    dill or parsley

  • 1 tsp olive oil

  • pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Put the egg yolks, ricotta, Parmesan, fl our and
    herbs into a bowl. Season with salt and black
    pepper and mix everything together well.

  2. Whisk the egg whites in a scrupulously
    clean, grease-free bowl until the mixture
    stands in soft peaks.
    3. Fold a spoonful of the beaten egg whites into
    the ricotta mixture to loosen it, then fold in the
    remaining egg whites.
    4. Heat half the oil in a frying pan over a medium
    heat. Using a dessertspoon, drop 3 or 4
    spoonfuls of the batter into the pan. Once the
    pancakes are golden on one side turn them
    over and cook for 1–2 minutes on the other side.
    Remove the pancakes from the pan and keep
    them warm.
    5. Heat the rest of the oil and cook the
    remaining mixture – you should have 8–10
    pancakes. Serve them with a salad of tomatoes
    or avocado and some rocket.

PER SERVING 79kcals, 4.5g protein, 6g fat (2g saturates),
2g carbs, 0.7g fi bre, 0.5g sugar, 0.1g sodium

Recipes from Tom’s
Daily Plan by Tom
Daley, published
by HarperCollins
in 2016, ISBN
£16.99 RRP

SF9_P88-90 Tom Daley SHSD.indd 90 06/02/2017 10:45

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