
(Dana P.) #1 113

Edited by Sara Gaynes Levy

pumpkins are great for entertaining,” she
says. “And the puree adds a nice richness
without using cream.”
4 small sugar pumpkins or acorn squash
2 tbsp. olive oil
4 slices thick-cut bacon (optional)
½ cup chopped yellow onion
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
2 cans (15-oz. size) pumpkin puree
2 cans (13.5-oz. size) light coconut milk
1 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
2 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut tops off
    pumpkins, scrape out seeds and most of
    f lesh, and drizzle olive oil inside.

slices into a toaster—yes, they pop up!—
until the sides are golden brown (it may
take two or three rounds). Meanwhile,
peel avocado and slice into thin rounds.
Place avocado on toasted sweet potato
slices, sprinkle with salt and lemon pepper
seasoning, and serve. Makes 2 servings.


Creamy Pumpkin
Rosemary Soup
Pumpkin is low cal and rich in iron and
antioxidants. (The canned kind is just as
nutritious as fresh, btw.) Preciado roasts
pumpkins to make a comforting soup—
served in an edible bowl. “Individual

The perfect cure for pumpkin spice
fatigue? These out-of-the-box recipes from
Pinterest queen and Little Bits Of blogger
Kelsey Preciado, who created some wildly
inventive uses for fall’s fresh harvest.


Sweet Potato Toast
With Avocado
Pa cked w it h v it a m i n A , f iber, a nd a nt iox-
idants, sweet potatoes may help reduce
cancer risk, and they provide a vari-
ety of nutrients that nourish and satisfy,
says nutritionist and chef Sara Haas,
R.D.N., a spokeswoman for the Acad-
emy of Nutrition and Dietetics. For this
huge-on-Pinterest recipe, Preciado dis-
covered that slices of sweet potato will
crisp right up in the toaster—no precook-
ing needed. “And the texture with the
avocado is amazing,” she says.

1 large sweet potato
1 avocado
Salt to taste
Lemon pepper seasoning (in the spice
aisle) or fresh lemon juice and pepper

Cut the ends off the sweet potato, slice it
lengthwise ¼ inch thick, and drop the

Give thanks for these
healthy new twists on
seasonal classics—not a mini
marshmallow in sight.
By Shaun Dreisbach

Yo u r


Fall Foods,


Photograph by Tara Donne

Must-try: The avocado
“toast” that launched a
thousand pins

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