
(Sean Pound) #1


122 Australian Geographic

Flight of fancy
sacred kingfi sher
by Brodie James

This pair of juvenile
sacred kingfi shers in
Queensland had only
just left the nest a few
hours before landing
here. Both birds could
only fl y very slowly
and would tire quickly
at the time the photo-
graph was taken.


I recently subscribed to AUSTRALIAN
GEOGRAPHIC after reading old issues
loaned to me. I have particularly
appreciated your stories on the
Antarctic and Macquarie Island, as I
wintered at Davis in 1971 as a medical
officer, and then went on to winter at
Macquarie in 1972 (I was one of few
Australians to do consecutive winters
without returning to Australia). After
retirement, in 2012 I joined a group
run by adventure travel company
White Desert, with the hope of getting
to the South Pole via Russia’s
Novolazarevskaya (Novo) Station
Airport, located on the Antarctic

mainland, directly south of Cape Town.
Weather conditions ruled out flights
to the Pole in the DC-3s in which we
were to travel, so a consolation flight to
Holtanna Peak, south-west of the
airport, was organised. After a magnifi-
cent day with perfect weather and
amazing scenery, our DC-3 taxied to
return to Novo base. Unfortunately,
take-off did not go as planned – appar-
ently, in part, because the chosen path
was slightly uphill. With a lot of noise
and rumbling, but no sensation of
flight, I tightened my seatbelt. The
aircraft hit some raised ice and was
flung into the air without sufficient
speed to maintain flight. The nose hit

first and then skewed around, with the
impact leaving the nose bashed in and
the landing gear/skis and propellers
wiped off. There were only minor
injuries. Six Iridium satellite phones
were on hand to relay the news back
to base. A companion DC-3 was flown
across, and, after a delay for cloudy
skies, we flew back to Novo. I thought
your readers might be interested to
see a picture (below left)!

In Trekking the tropics (AG 125), a
photograph of Margaret and Arthur
Thorsborne was wrongly captioned
as being taken in 1992. The image
was captured in 1990.

In Ask An Expert (AG 126), the image
of an erupting volcano was
incorrectly labelled as Big Ben, a
volcano on Heard Island. The image is
of Mt Etna, on the east coast of Sicily.

In Dreaming of an island sea (AG 126),
the Dig Tree is incorrectly noted as
being located at Thargominda. The
Dig Tree is east of Innamincka near
Nappa Merrie station in Queensland.



Todiramphus sanctus
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