September–October 2015 41
Wompoo fruit-dove
Megaloprepia magnifica Length: 45cm
Large and with plumage to rival any parrot,
this is a spectacular pigeon found chiefly in,
but not confined to, lowland rainforests from
the Torres Strait to the Illawarra region of NSW.
Of the three subspecies, M. m. magnifica is
now rare or locally extinct in the Hunter Valley
and Illawarra. It eats a wide variety of native
fruits, preferring those rich in oils, and even
large banyan figs are swallowed whole.
Common bronzewing
Phaps chalcoptera Length: 35cm
This medium-sized, stocky pigeon is
widespread across Australia, including
Tasmania. An Aboriginal story tells of a
common bronzewing wounded by a
hunter’s boomerang around near
where the NSW mining town of
Broken Hill now stands. As it circled
the area its blood and feathers fell to
the ground to form the mineral
deposits for which the area is now
famed. The earthy colours of the
minerals are seen in its wing feathers.