
(Sean Pound) #1

Keswick Island honey has a

deep, dark-red colour and

tastes like malted caramel.

Head space.
Dr Alistair Melzer,
above, inspects a
St Bees’ koala skull he
has found, looking for
clues to the mortality
patterns of this
isolated population.

Reigning queen.
Apiarist Des Covey
points to a Keswick
queen, right;
disease-free bees have
been bred on the
island for almost 30
years and introduced
to mainland hives.

Propagation patch.
Regeneration and
landscaping of
Keswick’s public
spaces uses endemic
plants struck from
locally collected
seed, below.

Use the free viewa
app to scan this page
and watch a video on
South Cumberland
Islands NP.

Master beekeeper.
Des maintains hives of
Caucasian honey bees fi rst
established on Keswick
Island by his father in 1986.

Apis mellifera

September–October 2015 69
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