September–October 2014 73
and round the tail – and so they would have had only a limited
function in thermoregulation [maintaining body temperature].”
His team, therefore, suggested that feathers arose initially for
colourful display purposes and later were co-opted for insulation
and eventually fl ight. The idea that display and communication
were the initial functions of feathers is interesting because most
experts believed the fi rst feathers were for insulation. If colour-
ful feathers evolved for display, they might have played a much
more integral role in the success, evolution and diversifi cation
of dinosaurs than has been supposed.
OW ON EARTH can you fi nd out anything about the
colour of feathers from the fossil record? I admit to
having been baffl ed by this when stories of the orange
plumage of Sinosauropteryx fi rst broke in 2010. To answer that
question, we have to look into a little of the science of how
animals make colour in the fi rst place.
The pigment that gives our hair and skin colour is called
melanin (from the Greek melanos, meaning dark) – it’s the same
substance that is produced when we sunbathe, causing fair-
skinned people to become tanned.
Like all pigments, melanin works by absorbing some wave-
lengths of light and refl ecting others to produce specifi c colours.
Inside hair and feathers, it’s wrapped in tiny packages known
as melanosomes, which create shades of black, grey, orange and
brown. When I say tiny, I mean really tiny; most are 200–600
nanometres (millionths of a millimetre) across. Two hundred
of them can fi t across a human hair.
Though diminutive, they are incredibly tough and actually
form part of the strong protein structure of hair and feathers.
They are so durable, in fact, that they can survive in fossils for
hundreds of millions of years.
According to Mike, until very recently people just wouldn’t
have believed melanin could be preserved. And it seemed even
less likely after a series of failed, highly publicised eff orts to recover
DNA from dinosaur bones in the 1990s made people extremely
cautious about attempting to retrieve proteins or any other
organic molecules from fossils. But it turns out that melanin
is a very tough chemical, and part of its function in hair and
feathers is to make them strong.
“This is why, when you get older, and like me your hair gets
grey, it actually gets weaker,” Mike explained. “But we’re not
detecting the presence of melanin by chemical means in fossils;
we’re doing it by physical means. It’s because it’s encapsulated in
these melanosomes.” Keratin – the protein of which hair and
feathers are made – is a plasticky kind of substance, so in order
for the melanin to get into it, it needs to be encapsulated.
Dr Jakob Vinther, a molecular palaeobiologist based in Mike’s
department at the University of Bristol, was the mastermind
behind the colour-identifi cation technique, in which diff erent
pigments, such as red, brown, buff , grey and black, are detected
simply by looking at the shape of melanosomes in the fossils
through a powerful electron microscope.
In modern birds, melanosomes that result in different
feather colours are diff erent shapes: although sausage-shaped
‘eumelanosomes’ contain the pigment ‘eumelanin’ and create
black plumage, the spherical ‘phaeomelanosomes’ contain ‘phae-
omelanin’, which creates orange plumage. These shapes are what
Jakob fi rst searched for in fossils of the early bird Confuciusornis
while he was a graduate student at Yale University.
In mammals, pigment is the common way to produce and
display a colour. Pigments in both plants and animals work by
refl ecting and absorbing diff erent wavelengths of light. White
refl ects all wavelengths of light, black absorbs all wavelengths
and colours in between selectively absorb some wavelengths but
not others. Chlorophyll, which makes plants green, for example,
absorbs all red light but refl ects green; anthocyanins, found in
red leaves, absorb green and blue light but refl ect red and yellow.
In 2013 a study that simulated the fossilisation process cast
some doubts over the reconstructions of dinosaur colour from
melanosomes. Dr Maria McNamara, a researcher then in the
same department as Jakob and Mike at Bristol, attempted to
mimic fossilisation by subjecting modern feathers to great
heats and pressures akin to those they might experience
underground in the Earth’s crust. “A brief spell in
an autoclave can reasonably simulate
the eff ects of temperature and
pressure over millions of
years,” she told Nature.
“Feathers are key to the
success of birds and we
can now dissect their
evolutionary history.”
Winged wonder.
Anchiornis was
among a number
of feathered gliding
dinosaurs that are
now known to have
had four wings.
Continued page 77
Anchiornis huxleyi
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