
(ff) #1
September–October 2014 77

Her research indicated that melanosomes shrink during fos-
silisation, which might aff ect their shape and therefore the
reconstructions of their colour. Jakob’s response was that
the melanosomes shrank almost equally in several dimensions,
so his reconstructions of colour shouldn’t be aff ected. Only
time and more research will tell whether or not the fantastic
new visions of coloured dinosaurs are accurate.


IRDS, INSECTS AND FISH, however, have another trick
besides pigment up their sleeves, and it allows them to
be decorated in a much brighter, brasher range of gaudy
hues than we comparatively drab mammals could ever hope for.
Iridescence is so-called structural colour, which occurs when
light bounces off physical features in the surface of feathers or
scales and is split into diff erent colours, in much the same way a
prism splits white light into its constituent colours. Some birds

  • parrots with green plumage, for example – use a mixture of
    both yellow pigments and blue iridescence to create their colour.
    The structural features that manipulate the light vary, but
    include wafer-thin stacks of translucent organic material that
    interferes with and refl ects light. These fi lms, made of chitin
    in insects, can refl ect and amplify light of one particular colour
    or wavelength over and above others. This is how iridescent or
    metallic hues are produced, such as those that adorn the feathers
    of birds of paradise and peacocks, the wings of butterfl ies and a
    whole spectrum of beetles. Sir Isaac Newton, who shed much
    light on optics and refraction, was the fi rst to reveal that minute
    layered structures were the cause of colour in peacock feathers.
    In 2003 I fi rst learnt about the possibility of structural colours
    persisting in fossils when I wrote a story about a 50-million-
    year-old beetle fossil that still had a brilliant blue iridescent
    sheen – in this case, the fossil was so incredibly well preserved
    that the ‘multilayer refl ector’ that created the colour in the sur-
    face of its exoskeleton was still intact. At the time, the fossil was
    the oldest known to retain any bright colour and it may still hold
    that record. Australian palaeontologist Professor Andrew Parker
    said then that we might one day be able to study the physical
    features of dinosaur fossils to predict what colours their feathers
    might have been. It seemed like science fi ction to me, so it was
    a thrill to see the idea come to fruition just seven years later.
    Jakob, Mike and their co-workers at Bristol University
    have been able to fi nd evidence of these structural iridescent
    colours in fossilised dinosaur feathers by looking at the density,
    orientation and stacking of the melanosomes. In some cases,
    melanosomes act to produce colour in two ways: through

Birds, insects and fish

have another trick besides

pigment up their sleeves.


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