
(やまだぃちぅ) #1


From the olive green print
fabric, cut:

  • Two squares, 1½in (6C, 6H)

  • One square, 2¼in (6O).



Trace the window and geranium
foliage shapes from the Pattern
Sheet onto the paper side of the fusible
web and cut them out roughly. Fuse
them to the wrong side of the off-white
and green fabrics and cut them out
accurately on the traced lines.


Referring to the photograph, fuse
the inner top window and the
outer top window frame in place on the
6M rectangle. For the curtains, cut two
2in lengths of lace. Turn under a narrow
hem at one short end of each one.
Arrange the curtains and lower window
frame with the folded ends of the lace
level with the junction of the upper and
lower window frames and the side raw
edges tucked just under the frames. The
bottom ends of the lace should extend

just past the bottom of the frames, to
be covered by the foliage. When you’re
happy with the placement of these
pieces, press to fuse them in place.


Blanket stitch around the lower
and inner window frames with
two strands of Ecru, catching the lace
at the same time, then add a row of
chain stitch around the shaped edge in
the same thread. Blanket stitch around
the upper frame in White and work a
row of chain stitch up the centre of the
shape. At the top, work a set of three
detached chain (lazy daisy) stitches
and then work another three detached
chain (lazy daisy) stitches inside the
previous ones with the White thread.
Work three parallel lines of backstitch
above the curtains in two strands of
Ultra Very Dark Topaz (780).


Blanket stitch around the foliage
with two strands of Variegated
Seafoam Green (125) and work some
scattered detached chain (lazy daisy)
stitches for leaves over the shape. Then

add clusters of French-knot geranium
fl owers in Variegated Coral (106).


Referring to Diagram 6, join the
rectangles and squares in rows
and units, then sew them together to
complete the block. It should measure
6¼ x 9½in, raw edge to raw edge.



From the blue-grey fabric, cut:

  • Two strips, 1½in across the
    width of the fabric and crosscut two
    strips, 1½ x 11in; two strips, 1½ x 9½in;
    and one strip, 1½ x 25¾in (sashing).


From the dark turquoise
tone-on-tone print, cut:

  • Four strips, 1½in across the width
    of the fabric (Border 1).


From the gold tone-on-tone print
fabric, cut:

  • Four strips, 4½in across the width
    of the fabric (Border 2).


From the olive green print
fabric, cut:

  • Four strips, 2¼in across the width
    of the fabric (binding).


Sew a 1½ x 11in sashing strip
to the bottom edges of Blocks 1
and 2, and then join Blocks 1, 2 and 3
into a column. Sew a 1½ x 9½in sashing
strip to the bottom edges of Blocks 4
and 5 and join Blocks 4, 5 and 6 into
a column. Finally, join the columns
by sewing the 1½ x 25¼in sashing
strip between them. Refer to the
Quilt Layout Diagram as a guide.


Measure your quilt horizontally
through the centre. Trim two of
the 1½in dark turquoise strips to this
measurement. Sew them to the top
and bottom edges of the quilt and
press the seams outwards.


Measure your quilt vertically
through the centre. Trim the
remaining two 1½in dark turquoise strips
to this measurement. Sew them to the
left and right edges and press as before.


Repeat Steps 69-70 with the 4½in
gold strips to add Border 2.


Smooth the backing fabric on a
table, right side down, and secure
it with masking tape. Lay the batting
on top, ensuring it is smooth. After
pressing the wallhanging top, lay it over
the batting and baste the three layers
together with thread or safety pins.


Quilt as desired. Véronique
machine quilted in the ditch

Quilt Layout Diagram

Block 1
Block 4

Block 2

Block 5

Block 3
Block 6

114 Homespun

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