
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Gudrun Ryberg, from Sweden: “I think this design is so versatile that it can be adapted for
whatever you want it to be. I decided I would turn it into tablemats, but the friend I gave the
finished projects to hung them up as wallhangings. (The stitchery design is from Lynette
Anderson’s tablecloth, The Reindeer Express, in Homespun Vol 13 No 11.)”

Valerie Coyne, from Forster, NSW: “Thanks for an inspiring magazine. I thought I’d share my
version of this BOM (It’s Time for Christmas, by Bronwyn Hayes, from Vol 14 Nos 2-11). It was my
first attempt at patchwork with embroidery included in it and needless to say, I absolutely loved
it. I’m really looking forward to hanging up it for all to see this coming Christmas.”

Beverley Whitfield, from Ormiston, Qld: “While at my
sewing group, Star Sea Quilters, in Cleveland, I was
reminded of Christmas Spirit, by Rosalie Quinlan, from
Homespun July 2013. We were browsing through old
copies of Homespun, as we all know they don’t get thrown
out. I boast to have every copy! I mentioned to the other
ladies in our group how I had mounted mine over an artist’s
canvas instead of framing it. I have found this very
successful and eff ective on other similar projects and
thought your readers may like to know about this option.
This stitchery was made and given to a dear friend
who loves and appreciates handmade gifts. Thank you
again for bringing us Homespun.”

Marg Cook, from Eastern Heights, Ipswich, Qld: “As an
avid fan of Bronwyn Hayes and a lover of all things
Christmas, I couldn’t resist making her BOM, It’s Time for
Christmas (Vol 14 Nos 2-11). As I have adapted the pattern
slightly by including some pieced blocks instead of a few
appliqué and stitchery ones, I hope this hasn’t detracted
from Bronwyn’s wonderful original design. The girls I work
with arranged for a subscription to your magazine during
a diff icult time in my life. This was greatly appreciated as
there are many articles and projects that have given
and continue to give me many hours of pleasure.”

12 Homespun

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