
(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Q Large scrap of print
fabric to coordinate with
the band colour
Q Small button
Q Slap band – see Note
Q Fibre fi ll
Q Strong thread such as
crochet or perlé cotton
Q Doll needle
Q 9cm (3^1 ⁄ 2 in) circle template
or cardboard or template
plastic and compass to make
your own
Q Fabric-marking pen
Q Sewing machine
Q General sewing supplies

Finished size:
8cm (3in) diameter

Note: Read the instructions
before you start. The pincushion
is constructed using the trace-
sew-cut method with the opening
in a seam at the back rather than
the outer edge. A seam allowance
of^1 ⁄ 4 in is used throughout.
Lyn bought her slap band
from Smiggle.

Preparation and cutting


From the print fabric, cut:

  • One square, 4^1 ⁄ 2 in (front)

  • Two rectangles, 2^1 ⁄ 2 x 4^1 ⁄ 2 in (back)

  • One rectangle, 1^3 ⁄ 4 x 2^1 ⁄ 2 in (band


To make the circle template,
use the compass to draw a circle
with a radius of 4.5cm (1^3 ⁄ 4 in) on
cardboard or template plastic and
cut it out on the line.



With right sides facing, join the
two rectangles for the back on one
long edge, leaving an opening of 1^1 ⁄ 4 in
in the middle of the seam. Press the
seam open.


Match the front square and joined
back, right sides together. Centre
the circle template over them and
trace around the edge of it. Pin the
layers together.


Machine stitch all the way around
the circle on the line using a very
small stitch length. Trim the fabric a
scant^1 ⁄ 4 in outside the stitching line.


Turn the circle right side out
through the opening in the back
and stuff it fi rmly with fi bre fi ll. Slip
stitch the opening closed.


Cut a long length of strong cotton
and thread both ends through the
doll needle. Come up in the middle of

the circle at the front but don’t pull
the thread right through. Go around
the side of the cushion, pass the
needle through the loop at the back
and pull the thread tightly to indent
the side of the cushion slightly. Go
around the cushion again and back
through the centre opposite the fi rst
line, then repeat this step to divide
the cushion into eight segments.
Fasten the thread securely at the
back and bury the end inside.


Sew the button to the centre
front of the cushion.


Fold the small rectangle of
fabric in half, right sides together,
to measure^7 ⁄ 8 x 2^1 ⁄ 2 in. Sew around
the open edges, leaving an opening
in the long side for turning. Clip
the corners and turn it right side
out. Slip stitch the opening closed
and press.


Sew the keeper to the back
of the cushion, leaving just
enough space in the middle between
the stitched areas to fi t the snap
band snugly.


Slide the snap band through
the keeper, load the cushion
with pins and slap it on your wrist.

To contact Lyn Gardiner, email her on
[email protected]. The step photos
are courtesy of Lyn.

Step 5

Step 7

Step 10

Homespun 123
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