
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Q 50cm (^5 ⁄ 8 yd) of 140cm
(55in) wide upholstery
weight, backed linen-
look fabric (runner top)

  • see Cintia’s fabric tips
    Q 13 assorted print fabric
    scraps, minimum size
    8 x 15cm (3 x 6in)
    (light bulbs)
    Q 12cm (5in) square of
    grey solid or check fabric
    (light bases)
    Q 1m (1^1 ⁄ 8 yd) cotton print
    fabric (backing)
    Q 25cm (^1 ⁄ 4 yd) green fl oral
    print fabric (binding)
    Q One 50g ball of dark
    green yarn – Cintia
    used 8 ply (cable)
    Q Machine-sewing threads
    to match the yarn and
    appliqué fabrics
    Q Quilt-basting spray
    or temporary appliqué-
    adhesive spray
    Q 25mm (1in) bias maker
    Q Tracing paper and pencil
    Q Rotary cutter, ruler
    and mat
    Q Sewing machine
    Q General sewing supplies

Finished size:
45 x 140cm (17^3 ⁄ 4 x 55in)

Note: Read all the instructions
and tips before starting the
project. Requirements are
based on fabric 107cm (42in)
wide unless otherwise stated.
The appliqué method used
is spray adhesive and machine
satin stitch.



Heavy upholstery fabric
is ideal for this project
as it doesn’t require
any interfacing or
stabiliser to prevent
the satin stitch from
puckering. Look in the
curtain section of your
fabric store for linen-look
fabrics that have a block-
out layer bonded to the
back as they’re ideal for
a runner: the weight of
the fabric keeps it from
sliding around the table.
Don’t turn your nose
up at synthetic fabrics:
they’re hardwearing and
can be spot cleaned, but
remember not to iron
them (or only iron on
a cool setting) or you’ll
end up with a sticky
mess of melted fabric.

36 Homespun

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