
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Ch 4, sl st into the fi rst ch
to make a loop.
Round 1 – 1ch, (1dc into
the loop, 3ch) six times, sl st
into the top of the fi rst dc of
the round.
Round 2 – Sl st into the ch sp,
1ch, (1dc, 4ch, 1dc) into the
same sp, 3ch, make 1dc in
the next sp, 4ch and 1dc in
the same sp,
rep from to
four times, then 3ch, sl st
into the top of the fi rst dc
of the round.
Round 3 – Sl st into the ch sp,
1ch, (1dc, 3ch, 1dc, 4ch, 1dc,
3ch, 1dc) into the same sp,
3ch, skip 3ch sp and into the
4ch sp, work (1dc, 3ch, 1dc,
4ch, 1dc, 3ch, 1dc),
rep from

  • to * four times, 3ch, skip
    3ch sp and sl st into the top
    of the fi rst dc of the round.
    Fasten off.

Ch 5, sl st into the fi rst ch
to make a loop.
Round 1 – 3ch (counts
as 1tr), 11tr into the loop, sl st
into the top of the beg 3ch.
Round 2 – 1ch, 1dc into the
same st, 2ch, 1tr in next tr,
2ch, 1dc,
rep from to
four times, 2ch, 1tr, 2ch, sl st
into the top of the fi rst dc of
the round.
Round 3 – 1ch, 1dc into the
same st, 2ch, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr)
into tr, 2ch, 1dc in dc,
from to four times, 2ch,
(1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into tr, 2ch, sl st
into the top of the fi rst dc
of the round.

Round 4 – Sl st into the ch sp,
1ch, 1dc in the same sp,
*2ch, (1dc, 2ch, 1tr, make a
triple picot, 1tr, 2ch, 1dc) into
the next sp, 2ch, 1dc in the
next sp, make a picot, 1dc in
the next sp,* rep from * to *
fi ve times, ending the last rep
after the picot with a sl st
into the top of the fi rst dc of
the round. Fasten off.

Ch 4, sl st into the fi rst ch
to make a loop.
Round 1 – 1ch, (1dc into
the loop, 2ch) six times, sl st
into the top of the fi rst dc
of the round.
Round 2 – 1ch, *1dc in dc,
2ch, 1tr in sp, 2ch*, rep from
* to * fi ve times, sl st into
the top of the fi rst dc of
the round.
Round 3 - *2ch, sl st in tr,
make an extended picot, sl st
into the same tr, 2ch, sl st
into the dc, make a triple
picot, sl st into the same dc*,
rep from * to * fi ve times.
Fasten off.

6ch, sl st into the fi rst ch
to make a loop.
Round 1 – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch,
1tr, 1ch) into the loop six
times, sl st into the top of
the fi rst dc of the round.
Round 2 – Sl st into the ch sp,
sl st into the tr, 1ch, 1dc in
the same st, *4ch, 1dc in next
tr,* rep from * to * four times,
4ch, sl st into the top of the
fi rst dc of the round.


“They say that every

snowfl ake is diff erent. If that

were true, how could the

world go on? How could we

ever get up off our knees?

How could we ever recover

from the wonder of it?”

  • Jeanette Winterson

SANDRA’S PICOT TIP When making a slip stitch
into the chain to make a picot, insert your hook into the chain so
that two loops of the chain are lifted over the top of the hook and
only one is below the hook. This gives a neater and tighter finish.
trouble pulling the yarn through the tight stitches, try rolling the
hook with your fingers so that the head twists away from you

  • you will find that it will slip through a lot more smoothly.

Homespun 45
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