
(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Arrange the pieced squares
in two rows of two – matching
pairs of squares should be on opposite
diagonal corners from each other. See
Diagram 5. Sew the squares in each
row together, then join the rows,
carefully matching the centre seam.
Your completed Pinwheel Twist block
should measure 16^1 ⁄ 2 in square from
raw edge to raw edge.


Repeat Steps 6-14 to make
12 Pinwheel Twist blocks.

Quilt assembly


Arrange the blocks in four rows
of three blocks each. When you
have an array of colours and prints
that you’re pleased with, add a white
vertical sashing strip between each
pair of blocks in each row.


Sew the blocks and sashing
strips in each row together.


To make the horizontal sashing
rows, lay out three white
sashing strips end to end with a lime
green square between each pair. Sew
them together. Repeat to make three
horizontal sashing rows.


Add the horizontal sashing rows
between each pair of block rows.
Sew the block rows and horizontal
sashing rows together to complete
the centre of your quilt.



Join the seven 2in strips of
white fabric for Border 1 end to
end to make one long strip. Measure
your quilt vertically through the
centre. Trim two strips this length
from the long strip. Sew them to the
left and right edges of the quilt.


Measure your quilt horizontally
through the centre. Trim two
strips this length from the remainder
of the long white strip and sew them to
the top and bottom edges of the quilt.


Lay out the D rectangles of
print fabrics end to end in two
rows of eight rectangles and two rows
of six rectangles. Rearrange them until
you have a distribution of colour and
pattern that you like. Join the
rectangles in each row together.


Measure your quilt vertically
through the centre. Trim the
two eight-rectangle strips to this
measurement. Measure your quilt
horizontally through the centre. The
two six-rectangle strips should be the
same length as this measurement. If
they’re too long, trim them to fi t your
quilt; if they’re too short, unpick some
of the seams joining the rectangles,
and re-sew them slightly narrower.


Sew the eight-rectangle strips
to the left and right edges
of your quilt. Press seams towards
Border 1.


Join a lime green E square to
each end of the two six-
rectangle strips. Press seams towards
the green squares. Sew these strips
to the top and bottom edges of your
quilt. Press seams towards Border 1.


To add Border 3 to your quilt,
repeat Steps 20-21 using the
eight 3^1 ⁄ 2 in strips of white fabric.



Cut the backing fabric into
two equal lengths, remove the
selvedges and sew the pieces together
side by side with a^1 ⁄ 2 in seam. Press
the seam open.


Smooth the backing fabric out
on the fl oor, right side down,
and secure it with masking tape. Lay
the batting on top and ensure it is free
from wrinkles. After pressing the quilt
top, lay it on top of the batting, right
side up, and baste the three layers
together with thread. (If you’re

Diagram 5

When you’re sewing two
half-square triangles together,
press the seam open. This
reduces bulk and makes the
units easier to join together as
you assemble them into blocks.

TIP When choosing fabrics
for your groups of three to
use in each block, look for
good contrast amongst the
fabrics. This will make the
pinwheels really stand out
in the finished quilt.

54 Homespun

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