
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Diagram 2


Pin a row of triangle sashing to
an adjacent background strip,
taking care not to stretch it. The top
and bottom triangles should extend
past the ends of the background strip,
as shown in Diagram 2. Stitch from the
sashing side to ensure you don’t cut
off the points of the triangles in the
seam allowance.


Join the remaining strips and
sashing together as described
in Step 21 until the centre panel is
complete. Press all the seams away
from the triangle sashings. Trim the
sashings even with the top and bottom
edges of the ecru strips.

Top and bottom borders


Join together end to end the
remaining three 8^1 ⁄ 2 in strips
of ecru shirting print that you cut in
Step 6. From this long strip, cut:

  • Two strips, 8^1 ⁄ 2 x 46in (top and bottom


Lightly press the two 8^1 ⁄ 2 x
46in ecru strips in half along
the centre in both directions. Use a
sharp pencil and ruler to, draw lines
23 ⁄ 4 in up from the lower long edges and
21 ⁄ 4 in down from the top long edges as
placement guides.


Pin seven Scottie dogs across
each strip between themarked
lines, alternating the left- and right-
facing ones as shown in the
photograph. The dogs facing each
other are about 3in apart at their front
legs and the dogs with tails pointing
are about 2in apart. When you’re happy
with the colours and positions, fuse
the dogs in place. Appliqué them as
described in Steps 17-18. Remove the
pencil marks by gently rubbing with
a clean eraser.


Make two sashing strips of 60
triangles each as described in
Step 19.


Join the 60-triangle sashing strips
to the top and bottom edges of
the centre panel as described in Step 21,
then sew the horizontal rows of Scottie
dogs to the top and bottom edges of the
quilt, pressing the seams away from
the sashing. Trim the short ends of the
sashing strips even with the left and
right edges of the quilt.



Cut the backing fabric in half,
remove the selvedges, and sew
the two pieces side by side with a^1 ⁄ 2 in
seam. Press the seam open. Trim the
panel to measure about 55 x 51in.


Smooth the backing fabric,
right side down, on the fl oor and

secure it with masking tape so that it is
taut but not stretched. Lay the batting
on top, ensuring it is free of wrinkles.
After pressing the quilt top, lay it on
top of the batting, right side facing up.
Baste the three layers together at 4in
intervals with safety pins or thread.


Quilt as desired. Lynelle
machine quilted in the ditch
of the triangle sashing rows. She
quilted around the hexagon fl owers
and sewed large hexagon shapes in
the background of the hexagon rows.
She free-motion stipple quilted around
the Scottie dogs.


Trim the excess batting and
backing fabric^1 ⁄ 4 in outside the
raw edge of the quilt top.


Cut the ends of the 2^1 ⁄ 2 in
fl oral print binding strips at
a 45-degree angle. Join the strips
to make one long length and press
the seams open. Fold the strip in
half, wrong sides together and long
edges matching, and press. With raw
edges together, stitch the binding
to the edge of the quilt with a^1 ⁄ 4 in
seam, mitring the corners as you go
and referring to the Binding Diagrams
below for details.


Turn the binding over and
stitch it by hand to the back of
the quilt. Alternatively, you can do as
Lynelle did and stitch the binding to
the edge of the quilt on the back, then
fold it over to the front, just covering
the fi rst line of stitching, and top stitch
it in place by machine.


Label and date your quilt.

For contact details for Lynelle Slade,
of Made by Slade, turn to Stockists at
the back of the magazine.

Join the ends by matching the fold line and the drawn line and sewing them together.
Trim the seam, press it open and refold the binding, then finish sewing it to the quilt.

Mitring corners

40cm (16in)

Rule a line along the
45-degree fold

Binding diagrams

86 Homespun

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