
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
“The white areas are there to balance
out the coloured walls and keep the mood
bright and fresh [see page 90]. The orange
bookshelf reminds me of the Jenny-Lind
style bed I had as a toddler and young
child. My parents had purchased it as
an antique and painted it bright orange.
When I found this tall, orange display-
height bookshelf, I had to have it. It’s not
the most practical bookshelf, but it works
well for holding pattern samples and
keeping them in photo-ready shape.
“I currently design aprons and other
housewares for a company out of San
Francisco called Peking Handicrafts.
What you see on the dress forms are
prototype apron designs for that company
and/or for sewing patterns. When my
focus is on designing clothing or aprons,
these dress forms are an indispensable
tool. When I’m focused on creating new
artwork for surface applications, then the
dress forms serve as displays. I certainly
don’t need to have three of these full-body
forms – along with the vintage dress form
in my home studio. One of each would
suffi ce, but they do help to bring a fun
energy to the workspace.”

92 Homespun

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