
(Elle) #1
Q12mm (^11 ⁄ 2 in) ready-made cotton
bias binding in eight assorted
colours (front and back bag
panels) – see Note
Q10cm (^1 ⁄ 8 yd) each of hot pink
and aqua homespun fabric
(top and bottom strips)
Q20cm (^1 ⁄ 4 yd) purple homespun
fabric (bag gusset)
Q15cm (^1 ⁄ 6 yd) yellow homespun
fabric (handles)
Q Small scraps of fi ve assorted
coloured fabrics (flower petals)
Q50cm (^5 ⁄ 8 yd) lining fabric
Q50cm (^5 ⁄ 8 yd) lightweight fusible
batting such as Pellon
Q40cm (^1 ⁄ 2 yd) scrap cotton fabric
(front and back panel foundation)
Q40cm (^1 ⁄ 2 yd) fusible interfacing
(front and back panel stabiliser)
Q One magnetic catch (tab
Q 25mm (1in) length of hook and
loop tape such as Velcro (inner
pocket fastening)
Q Two decorative 25mm (1in) yellow
buttons – Barbara used hearts
Q Black sewing thread (top stitching
and satin stitch)
Q Fusible web
Q Template plastic
Q Corefl ute or thick cardboard
(optional base stiffening) – see Tip
Q Permanent-marking pen
Q Scalpel or craft knife
Q Rotary cutter, ruler and mat
Q Sewing machine
Q General sewing supplies

Finishedsize:38 x 34cm
(15x13^1 ⁄ 2 in) excluding handles

Note: Read all the instructions before
starting the project. It is recommended
that fabrics be 100% cotton, pre-washed
and well ironed. Requirements are based
on fabrics 107cm (42in) wide. A seam
allowance of^1 ⁄ 4 in is used throughout.
Barbara used left over bias binding for
this project – you don’t need a full pack
of each colour and can use more or
fewer colours as desired, as well having
more strips of some colours than others.
You will use a total of 50 lengths, 33cm
(13in) for the front and back panels
of the bag plus extra for the tab. The
appliqué method used is fusible web
with machined satin stitch.



78 Homespun

HSP1511_p076-083_A Little Bit Biased Project.indd 78 9/22/2014 10:18:42 AM



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