
(Elle) #1
tightly, then tie off the thread securely
and trim it. See Diagram 6 on page 96.


Arrange the leaves on your quilt
as desired. Appliqué them in
place around their outer edges.

Bees and butterfl ies


Use the method described in
Step 10 to prepare the wings,
head and body for two large bees and
fi ve small bees and the wings and body
for three large butterfl ies, two medium
butterfl ies and two small butterfl ies.
This time, however, do not fold over and
tack any edges that will be covered by
other shapes – the top edge of the bee
body, for example, which is covered
by the bee head.


In addition, trace around the
templates for the bee body and
the butterfl y wings on batting and cut
these shapes out just inside the traced
lines so the shapes are a little smaller
than those made from fabric.


To add each bee to the quilt,
appliqué the under wing in
position, then the top wing overlapping
it. Remove the tacking and cardboard
from the bee body. Lay a body shape
cut from batting on the wrong side
of the fabric body shape, and slip its
edges under the turned-over edges of
the fabric. Tack the two layers together.
Appliqué the shape in place, then
remove the tacking. The batting adds
a sculptured, three-dimensional effect
to the body. Finally, appliqué the head.


Use a similar process for adding
the butterfl ies – using the batting
inserts for the top and lower wings.


Lightly draw the antennae for
each bee and butterfl y, referring
to the Pattern Sheet and photographs.
Work them in running stitch in
Chocolate (230), adding a colonial knot
at the ends.



Smooth the backing fabric
out on the fl oor or a large table
with the right side facing up and
secure the edges with masking tape.
Press the quilt background, avoiding
the appliquéd shapes. Lay the quilt
top+batting on top of the backing fabric,
right side down. Baste the three layers
together with pins.


Sew across the top and bottom
edges of the quilt. Then sew
the left and right edges, leaving a 10in
opening in the middle of one long side.
Trim the corners, then turn the quilt
right side out through the opening.
Use your fi ngers to press the seam
open around all four edges, then steam
press the quilt from the back initially,
then from the front.


Turn in the raw edges along
the opening. Ladder stitch
the opening closed. Remove the
tacking threads.


Tita didn’t do any quilting on her
quilt, but you can add quilting
stitches by hand or machine if you wish.



Smooth out a rectangle of
batting for a cushion on a table
and secure the edges with masking
tape. Lay a rectangle of textured fabric

Step 36

Step 37

stitches close to the curved edge,
securing the thread with a knot
at the beginning. At the end of
the stitching, tie the thread off
with another knot but do not cut
it. Continue with the same length
of thread to work smaller running
stitches close to the folded straight
edge. Pull up just this row of
stitching to gather the semi-circle

98 Homespun

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