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APM AD 8.indd 1 14/05/2015 7:01 pm

SHOOTING ON FILM Three Experts' Tips

he says, finding a suitable camera and equipment is pretty easy.
There are many affordable film cameras on the market because
everyone has been upgrading over the years. As professional
cameras were all mechanical, they are quite straight forward to
repair, and they’re very reliable. “There’s a wealth of lenses out
there, and all the other equipment, but you have got to be a little
bit ‘savvy’ about where you look. Forget about looking in Australia
because there is not enough volume over here, whereas in the UK,
in US, and Japan there’s plenty. You can buy absolutely anything
you want, but you do have to look for it.” Similarly, darkroom
equipment is available and affordable. When it comes to darkroom
chemistry, he says he deals directly with a manufacturer, Foma,
for black and white material. Established in 1921, Foma has a large
market in Eastern Europe where many photographers still use
tried and tested film technology.
Neill can lay claim to still having every negative he has shot
since he started shooting with film at the age of 16. “I’ve never
lost one, but I’ve lost digital images through hard drive failure
and corrupt memory cards. I think this is one of the principle
advantages of shooting on film, that the result is analogue, and
that it’s tangible. You can hold up the negative to the light,
and say here is my image.” Sutton sums up, “The whole process
should be enjoyable. I’d encourage any beginner to start thinking
about printing, not just leaving the images on digital media, and
then to start thinking about their first exhibition. Photography
is a subjective experience and that can be shared objectively
with others. Exhibiting your work is a great way to further
communicate with people.” ❂

Lyne Lorot - Turkana child, Kakuma, Kenya, 2013, by Chris
Peken. Hasselblad 503CX, 80mm f/2 CF, Tri-X 400 at plus 1.
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