CosmopolitanAustralia201507 .

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
parents will probably find out, and that
it’ll be on the internet forever. And after
all that if they still want to do the scene
then she’ll help them get tested [for
STIs], and a bunch of people will fall
off there, too. After all that, the ones
who are left, I shoot with.

Is it more fun with amateurs?
I think that the scenes are really good.
I don’t know if “fun” is the right word.
I mean, it definitely is fun. But there’s
a certain... quality, where it’s just two
people who want to have sex with each
other. You can’t really recreate [that].

Has anyone ever asked you out to
dinner afterwards?
Um, there hasn’t been, yet.

One of the great things about your
career is that you’re so mainstream

  • a lot of women aren’t afraid to say,
    “I know who James Deen is and I
    watch him.” Do you feel proud of that?
    If that’s what is happening then yes. I’m
    extremely proud of that, that’s great.

What do you think about being called
the “Ryan Gosling” of porn?
(Laughs) I don’t quite understand it.
I’m cool with it ’cos he seems to have
a pretty good rep. I’ve got no objection
to that. (laughs)

What are your favourite scenes
to perform?
Ahh, all of them. (laughs)

How hard is it to get turned on when
the actress who shows up on set
might not necessarily be your type?
It’s not like I have to fake things. I’m a
guy who gets turned on easily. It’s not
like “Ohh I have to work with this girl
today, I am so not attracted to her.” I’ve
never been in a situation where I’ve been
like “Nope, not interested.”

A lot of readers tell us they fi nd it hard
to communicate what they want from
sex with their partner. How would you
suggest they go about that?
People don’t practise sex. I mean, think
of a piano. If you went and sat down at
a piano [without any practise], you’re
not going to be Beethoven. You gotta
practise. You gotta build up the skill.
And so, it’s possible that people are just
inexperienced. And people are different
so they may not be terrible, they might
just be, you know, incompatible with you.
You guys might like different types of
sex. You might be into different things.
So in order to have sex with somebody
you need to have sex with them. You
need to communicate, you need to be
there with them, it’s a group activity.
It is awkward to communicate those
things, but you have to.

Is it awkward for you?
Yes! Even now, and I’m a f*cking
megawhore. Lauren Sams #

in bed?” And there is no reason to be
like a porn star in bed, unless you are
actually in an adult video.

Women feel that guys get unrealistic
ideas about what we look like naked
because of porn.
I think, if anything, the adult industry
is one of the few industries that defies
that idea. There are typical movie stars,
models, musicians. [But] the adult film
industry is one of the few where you see
big girls to, you know, quote-unquote
“natural girls” to the girl next door. In
the ’90s, porn stars did look fairly similar

  • the Pamela Anderson look, like Carmen
    Electra, Jenna Jameson, Jenny McCarthy.
    Now, porn stars look more approachable.

Why did you start your own
production company?
James Deen Productions came about
because I was getting a lot of requests
on the internet to [do scenes with me].
So rather than being “Oh hey random
girl, come over to my house and have
sex with me,” I organised a structure so
I could make sure it was done correctly.
I have a model coordinator who goes
through the requests and weeds out
anyone under 18, anyone who’s a virgin
or anyone who’s like, “Can we shoot a
scene but with no camera?” or “Oh, let’s
get high on ecstasy and f*ck.” So she
then asks, “Hey, are you interested in
doing this?” and 50 per cent of them
fall off because they’ve applied for a laugh.
And then she talks to the ones who still
want to do it and explains that yes, their

“It’s not like


I have to fake

things. I’m a guy

who gets turned

on easily”

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