
(ff) #1


august/september 2015

Do the first pose, then practice poses two through five on the left side,
then the right, before moving on to the sixth.

Do the first three poses on the left side, then the
right, before moving on to poses four through six.


If you have 20 minutes, add
these poses to your sequence.


practise well

1 minute,
8–10 breaths

1 minute,
8–10 breaths,
each side

30 seconds,
4–5 breaths,
each side

1 minute,
8–10 breaths,
each side

30 seconds,
4–5 breaths,
each side

1 minute,
8–10 breaths,
each side

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward-Facing Dog Pose
From Table Top, curl your toes under and
press through all four corners of both palms
to lift your hips, coming into Down Dog. Press
through your heels, internally rotate your thighs,
and press your heart toward your legs. Practice
expanding your chest with every inhalation,
drinking in, and with every exhalation, pouring out
as the body stretches.

Tri Pada Adho Mukha
SvanasanaThree-Legged Downward-
Facing Dog Pose
From Down Dog, inhale to extend your right leg
back, keeping the quadriceps engaged and pressing
through the heel of your right foot. Ground through
your left foot, pressing into the big-toe mound. Al-
low the shoulders and hips to remain level, without
opening the body to the right.

Anjaneyasana Low Lunge
Step your right foot forward between your hands,
stacking your right knee over your right ankle.
Engage your inner thighs, curl the left toes under,
press into the big-toe mound of your left foot, and
lift onto your fingertips. As you inhale and drink in,
roll your shoulders back and open your heart. As
you exhale and pour out, surrender deeply into the
hip stretch.

Tri Pada Adho Mukha
Svanasana Three-Legged Downward-
Facing Dog Pose
Come back to Down Dog and inhale to extend your
right leg back, keeping the quadriceps engaged and
pressing through the heel of your right foot. Ground
through your left foot, pressing into the left big-toe
mound. Allow the shoulders and hips to remain
level, without opening the body to the right.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana,
variation One-Legged King Pigeon
Pose, variation
Come to Down Dog then bring your right foot
forward, resting the shin as close to perpendicular
to the front of your mat as possible. Activate your
right toes and square both hips and shoulders as
you lift onto fingertips. Inhale to roll your shoulders
back as you puff your chest. Exhale to surrender
and fold as your heart pours out toward the earth.

Wild Thing
Open your hips, stacking the right hip over the
left. Bend your right knee and eventually place the
ball of your right foot on the ground behind you,
turning your hips and chest toward the ceiling.
Keep pressing through all four corners of the left
palm and extend the right arm alongside your right
ear. Inhale back to Three-Legged Down Dog, and
exhale to Down Dog.

If you have 30 minutes, add
these poses to your sequence.

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