
(ff) #1


august/september 2015

1 minute,
8–10 breaths

1 minute,
8–10 breaths

5 minutes

OUR PROTeacher and modelChelsea Jackson,PhD, has a 200-hour hatha yoga training from
Kashi Atlanta Urban Yoga Ashram, where she studied with Ma Jaya, creator of the “drink as you
pour” concept. Jackson is also certified by Yoga Ed to teach yoga to children, and earned her PhD
from the Division of Educational Studies at Emory University in Atlanta. She foundedchelsealove-,a platform for discussion on yoga, race, and diversity; is a member of the Yoga and
Body Image Coalition; and created the Yoga, Literature & Art Camp for teen girls.

1 minute,
8–10 breaths,
each side

1 minute,
8–10 breaths,
each side

2 minutes,
16–20 breaths

Virabhadrasana II Warrior Pose II

Come off your back knee. Pivot your back heel and
plant your left foot at about a 30-degree angle. If
you draw a line back from your right heel, it should
intersect your left arch. Inhale to lift your torso and
cartwheel your arms open, bringing them parallel
to the ground. Externally rotate your shoulders and
extend through your fingertips. Drink in breath as
you expand through your rib cage. Pour the breath
out as you move deeply into your hips, bringing
your right thigh parallel to the ground.

Warrior Pose II, variation
Exhale to extend your arms behind the back and
interlace your fingers. Externally rotate the
shoulders and drink in, filling the rib cage and
lifting the heart. Exhale to softly fold forward and
pour out, surrendering toward the earth. If you feel
strain in your hamstrings, only fold forward as
much as is comfortable. To finish, inhale to return
to Warrior II.

Balasana Child’s Pose
Exhale to Plank; dropping to your knees, open knees
to the width of the mat Bring your big toes together
and slowly exhale, reaching your hips toward your
heels and ankles as you fold forward and extend
your arms alongside your hips. As you inhale, allow
your rib cage to expand. As you exhale, soften
through the heart and ground through the hips.
After a minute, inhale to a seated pose.

End here with Savasana 2 minutes

Balasana Child’s Pose

Exhale to Plank; dropping to your knees, open
knees to the width of the mat. Bring the big toes
together and slowly exhale, reaching your hips
toward your heels and ankles as you fold forward
and extend your arms alongside your hips. As you
inhale, allow your rib cage to expand. As you
exhale, soften through the heart and ground
through the hips. After a minute, inhale to come up
to a seated pose.

Setu Bandhasana
Bridge Pose
Lower to your back. Bend your knees, placing
the soles of your feet under them. Press into your
feet and inhale to lift the hips and open the heart.
Interlace your fingers, pressing your hands down.
Inhale, expand through the ribs; exhale, surrender
your heart to service. If your knees splay, place a
block between your thighs and squeeze. Exhale,
release your hands and lower down.

Savasana Corpse Pose
Extend both legs and lie comfortably on your mat,
turning the palms open. Press the back of the head
into the ground as you deeply inhale and focus on
drinking in, or filling up. On an exhalation, gently
close your eyes and soften, placing your intention
on pouring out, or offering unconditional love.
Observe the breath as you absorb the benefits of
this practice. If it is more comfortable, use a folded
blanket under your torso and head.
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